
光輝歲月 [Glorious Years]

Lingua: Cantonese


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Gwong Fai Seui Yut
Album: 環球巨星影音啟示錄 - Beyond
Cantonese lyrics by Wong Ka Kui
Testo cantonese di Wong Ka Kui

beyond[...]One of the songs, Gong Fai Sooi Yuet 光輝歲月 [Glorious Years], is about racism and the struggle of Nelson Mandela in South Africa. The song, at the time, was a fresh breath of air in the midst of saccharin sweet love songs that were dominating the Hong Kong music scene. Wong Ka Kui won the best lyrics award in the Hong Kong Grammy-equivalent award ceremony. The guitar solo opening for the song paints the loneliness of Mandela's struggle. The guitar solo went on to be one of the most recognizable electric guitar rift in Hong Kong rock music.

from en.wikipedia
鐘聲響起歸家的訊號 在他生命裡
彷彿帶點唏噓 黑色肌膚給他的意義
是一生奉獻 膚色鬥爭中


#今天只有殘留的驅殼 迎接光輝歲月
風雨中抱緊自由 一生經過徬徨的掙扎
自信可改變未來 問誰有能做到

可否不分膚色的界限 願這土地裡
不分你我高低 繽紛色彩閃出的美麗
是因它沒有 分開每種色彩

重唱 *,#,#,#,#

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 24/9/2007 - 18:19

Lingua: Cantonese

Il testo con una trascrizione interlineare in caratteri latini (non in "pinyin"). I numeri accanto ad ogni parola indicano ciascuno dei 6 toni del cantonese con cui deve essere pronunciata.
Il testo è riprodotto da Cantonese Learning
The song lyrics provided with a Romanized transcription (not in "pinyin"). Each word is followed by a number showing its exact tone (1-6) in the Cantonese language.
Lyrics are reproduced from Cantonese Learning
gwong1 fai1 seui1 yut6

jung1 sing1 heung2 hei2 gwai1 ga1 dik1 seun3 hou6
joi6 ta1 sang1 meng6 leui5 fong2 fat1 dai2 dim2 hei1 heui1
hak1 sik1 gei1 fu1 kap1 ta1 dik1 yi3 yi6
si6 yat1 sang1 fung6 hin3 fu1 sik1 dau3 jang1 jung1

nin4 yut6 ba2 yung2 yau5 bin3 jou6 sat1 heui3
pei4 gyun6 dik1 seung1 ngan5 dai2 jeuk3 kei4 mong6

gam1 tin1 ji2 yau5 chan4 lau4 dik1 keui1 hok3
ying4 jip3 gwong1 fai1 seui3 yut6
fung1 yu5 jung1 pou5 gan2 ji6 yau4
yat1 sang1 ging1 gwo3 pong4 wong4 dik1 jang6 jat3
ji6 seun3 ho2 goi2 bin3 mei6 loi4
man6 seui4 yau6 nang4 jou6 dou3

ho2 fau2 bat1 fan1 fu1 sik1 dik1 gai3 han6
願這土地裡 不分你我高低
yun6 je5 tou2 dei6 leui5 bat1 fan1 nei5 ngo5 gou1 dai1
ban1 fan1 sik1 choi2 sim2 cheut1 dik1 mei5 lai6
是因它沒有 分開每種色彩
si6 yan1 ta1 mut6 yau5 fan1 hoi1 mui5 jung2 sik1 choi2

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 24/9/2007 - 18:38

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese dal blog Karaoke Chinatown
An English translation from the blog Karaoke Chinatown

The clock chimes the signal for returning home,
It brings to his life a note of sigh!
The meaning given him thru his dark skin
Is devotion of his whole life to a struggle of skin colors.

The years have changed possession into loss.
The weary eyes are showing expectation.

Today only the injured body still remains
To welcome the glorious years
To hold tight to freedom amidst wind and rain.
Thru faltering struggle in this life,
He believes he can change the future.
May I ask who else can accomplish this?

Could we make no distinction of skin colors?
Wish everyone could share everything and be treated equally in this land!
A profuse variety of colors emits a sparkling beauty
Because it makes no distinction of each color.

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 24/9/2007 - 18:48

Lingua: Italiano

Versione italiana di Riccardo Venturi
(dalla versione inglese)

L'orologio batte il segnale di tornare a casa,
alla sua vita porta una nota di lamento!
Il messaggio datogli dalla sua pelle scura
È dedicare l'intera sua vita a lottare contro i colori della pelle.

Gli anni hanno cambiato il possesso in perdita.
Gli occhi stanchi mostrano attesa.

Oggi resta soltanto il corpo ferito
A dare il benvenuto agli anni gloriosi,
A stringersi alla libertà in mezzo al vento e alla pioggia.
Con una lotta incerta in questa vita
Lui crede di poter cambiare il futuro.
Posso chiedere chi altri può farlo?

Possiamo non fare alcuna distinzione tra i colori della pelle?
Vorrei che tutti condividessero tutto e fossero trattati allo stesso modo in questo paese!
Una generosa varietà di colori emette una bellezza scintillante
Perché non fa distinzione tra alcun colore.

10/3/2009 - 02:34

Lingua: Inglese

English version by James Wu

It's all awesome
I just love this song so much, the chinese poetic words are so inspiring that I want to give it a try to translate my version of Glory Age.

Hope there will be different versions of translation that expresses the complex and poetic Chinese language.

Giant bell clangs up homecomings' signal
In his long tormented life brings a sigh of heartache
Black skin destined his essence
In a lifetime contributions to racial struggles

Passing years changed from havings into losses
Strain eyes glimmer with hopes

Today injured with an empty shell of a damaged body
Accepting and Welcoming the long awaited glorious momentous age
Holding hard onto freedom in the storm
A life long experiences of stressful struggles
Believing in ourselves can change our future
We ask who also can do this

Can we not define ourselves with skin colour
Wishing upon this good earth, we do not classify ourselves as high or low
Profusion of colours flashes beauty
Because it has not separated each individual colour

inviata da James Wu - 9/12/2015 - 08:28

As a standard, we don't move Guestbook messages onto song pages; but we want to make an exception for this message by Hazel, that we received a couple of days ago or so. As it refers to this Cantonese song, it is too warm and kind-hearted to go unseen. Thanks to Hazel for visiting our site...!

Ciao! Thankyou for posting the lyrics to the song 'Glorious Days' in both English and Cantonese along with pronunciation. It reminded me of home and childhood, since although I'm Chinese, my first language is English and I though I always did like the song, I didn't really know what it meant. So thanks!

Another thing is, although perhaps, you, Signore Venturi may not have translated the lyrics yourself (maybe you did, I hope this doesn't offend!), I was really encouraged to see the name of the contributer - an Italian! You see, I have been studying Italian for six months and am doing badly, so it was really encouraging to see the translation/contribution work you put up - and Cantonese is not an easy language! So thankyou very much!

Anch'io, avete una bene website. Grazie. More people should hear about it.

Just one little answer to Hazel:

As a matter of fact, I don't know any Cantonese (or Chinese); I simply found the pronounciation and an English translation of this song by surfing the Net. Well, you reasonably might wonder how I found the Cantonese lyrics... :-) Anyway, I want to make you a little present, as you told us you have been studying Italian for six months: a full Italian translation of the song, of course from the English translation. Thank you again...and arrivederci a presto!

Riccardo Venturi - 10/3/2009 - 02:26

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