Hanoi Hannah averaged 'bout a man a day
And when she wasn't workin'
She kept the coffee perkin'
For the guy who didn't have to pay
On Hanoi Hanna workin' all my blues away
My home is in Kentucky but lovin' makes me want to stay
The captain says I'm lucky
But the chaplan says I ought to pray
And Hanoi Hanna workin' all my blues away
Well I never would have thought
I'd get so lost out here
Smokin' marijuana and drinkin' beer
And tryin' not to think about the time next year
When me and all my buddies gonna disappear
Hanoi Hanna workin' all my blues away
Hanoi Hannah took her shoes and ran away
When I hold her I was headin'
To have myself a weddin'
To my baby in the U.S.A.
Good-bye Hannah I really don't know what to say
Well good-bye Hannah
Well good-bye Hannah
Well good-bye Hannah
And when she wasn't workin'
She kept the coffee perkin'
For the guy who didn't have to pay
On Hanoi Hanna workin' all my blues away
My home is in Kentucky but lovin' makes me want to stay
The captain says I'm lucky
But the chaplan says I ought to pray
And Hanoi Hanna workin' all my blues away
Well I never would have thought
I'd get so lost out here
Smokin' marijuana and drinkin' beer
And tryin' not to think about the time next year
When me and all my buddies gonna disappear
Hanoi Hanna workin' all my blues away
Hanoi Hannah took her shoes and ran away
When I hold her I was headin'
To have myself a weddin'
To my baby in the U.S.A.
Good-bye Hannah I really don't know what to say
Well good-bye Hannah
Well good-bye Hannah
Well good-bye Hannah

Scritta da Roger McGuinn insieme a Jacques Levy
Trịnh Thị Ngọ (1931-2016), soprannominata Hanoi Hannah, era una conduttrice radiofonica vietnamita che durante la guerra del Vietnam trasmetteva dal Nord Vietnam una trasmissione di propaganda per convincere i soldati yankee che la guerra che stavano combattendo era sbagliata. In perfetto inglese commentava le notizie dal fronte, fornendo anche informazioni precisissime sulla posizione delle truppe USA, cosa che colpiva particolarmente i soldati americani. La colonna sonora erano le canzoni contro la guerra americane. Tuttavia non si hanno notizie di diserzioni dovute alle trasmissioni di Hanoi Hannah.