
State of the Union (STFU)

Public Enemy
Lingua: Inglese

Public Enemy

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Produced by DJ Premier

Release Date: June 19, 2020

State of the Union (STFU)

Sono tornati i Public Enemy con un potente pezzo di protesta contro Donald Trump, scritto in diretta durante le proteste seguite alla morte di George Floyd.
Whatever it takes rid this dictator
POTUS my tail ass debater
Prime-time Primo. rhyme-time crime
like no other in this lifetime
white house killer dead in lifelines
vote this joke out or die tryin'
Unprecedented demented
Many president'd
Mazi gestapo
dictator defended
It's not what you think it's what you follow
Run for them jewels, drink  from that bottle
Another four years gonna gut y'all hollow
Gutted out, dried up, broke and can't borrow

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me
State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

Mr 'I Am The Law' and you are not
In fact, I'm god I got a lot
Mr 'These united breaks'
take over, come over
orange hair fear the comb-over
Here's another scare
Keep them hands in the air
Better not breathe you dare not dare
Don't say nothing, don't think nothing
Make America great again the middle just love it
When he wanna talk walk y'all straight to them ovens
human beings of color yeah we be sufferin'

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

Better rock that vote or vote for hell
Real generals now not some U.S.F.L.
Not a fuckin' game, I dare not mention his name
Operation 45 yeah it's the same thing
Sounds like Berlin burnin' same thing
History's a mystery if y'all ain't learning
End this clown show for real
A state bozo
Nazi cult 45 Gestapo

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

State of the Union
Shut the fuck up
Sorry ass motherfucker
Stay away from me

19/6/2020 - 23:30

Pagina principale CCG

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