
Trouble With Jesus

Peter Irsay
Lingua: Inglese

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Broadside #97, March-April 1969

Ed. Note: Peter Irsay,who resembles the wanted man below,wrote this song when Dr. King was murdered. Peter is 22,was born in N.Y.C.,has been writing songs as long as he can remember. He is currently recording an L-P for Tetragrammaton.

Wanted Jesus
All churchgoers and believers
They sing his praises yes,
But what was he really sayin'
Lord, don't even ask.
But that was long ago
And folks are bound to learn
So step up to the pulpit, boys
And see old Jesus Burn

And there's trouble with Jesus
all around all around
trouble with Jesus
all around

I read the papers every day
And see it all in print
The Communists are gettin' strong
We need more armaments
And the president and secretary
They go off to church to moan
And if they're praying to the Lord
Then there's really somethin' wrong

And there's trouble with Jesus
all around all around
trouble with Jesus
all around

There was a man who worked
For equality and love
They shot him in the back
Because of what he done
They bombed out his church
and what do you think of that
but as everybody knows
a real God can't be black

And there's trouble with Jesus
all around all around
trouble with Jesus
all around

Now there's a group of people
Who don't want to be a part
of any kind of Society
that don't come from the heart
So now they're being scorned
and they've become outcast
Well they seem a lot like Jesus
But of course, I'm prejudiced

And there's trouble with Jesus
all around all around
trouble with Jesus
all around

10/4/2019 - 23:16

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