
Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys

The Equals
Lingua: Inglese

The Equals

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Parole e musica di Eddy Grant

Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys

Un inno alla diversità e alla tolleranza da una band inglese composta da due bianchi e tre neri che univa l'antirazzismo alla protesta contro la guerra nel Vietnam. The Equals hanno influenzato innumerevoli gruppi, tra cui i Clash e gli Specials che hanno anche recentemente inciso una cover di questa canzone.
People: white is white
What's black ain't clover

Together we'll be
When the war is over
You see the Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys
They ain't gonna fight no wars
Oh Now

Cool is school
But the teachers beat yer
When they see
That they can't reach yer
You see the Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys
They ain't gonna fight no wars
Oh Now

They ain't got no country
They ain't got no creed
People won't be black or white
The world will be half-breed
The world will be half-breed
The world will be half-breed

You see the Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys
They ain't gonna fight no doggone wars

They ain't got no country
They ain't got no creed
People won't be black or white
The world will be half-breed
The world will be half-breed
The world will be half-breed

It's a brand new day
With brand new people
In one big world
We're just one people

You see the Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys
They ain't gonna fight no wars. Oh now
Baby you know that we hate fighting

24/2/2019 - 13:10

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