
Carry the Earth

Trio Joubran / الثلاثي جبران
Lingua: Inglese

Trio Joubran / الثلاثي جبران

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Per il singolo che anticipa l’album, Le Trio Joubran hanno un featuring d’eccellenza: Roger Waters, componente storico dei Pink Floyd e risaputo attivista per i diritti umani canta per loro in Carry the Earth. La canzone è dedicata a tutti quelli che muoiono per il proprio Paese, e in particolare a un tragico evento in cui quattro giovani cugini furono assassinati mentre giocavano a calcio. Un episodio simile purtroppo a molti altri, a Gaza. Il titolo della canzone è tratto da una poesia del leggendario poeta arabo Mahmoud Darwish – “the dead who die to carry the earth after the relics are gone”.

The track is called Carry the Earth and opens with the sound of the sea – it evokes Gaza, and has sounds representing drones.

“It’s a dedication to the four boys murdered on the beach in Gaza in 2014,” Adnan says. The album’s press notes add that it “is dedicated to those who die for their land and carry the earth with their death, to all kids in this world who suffer from exile, from occupation, from poverty”.

They asked Waters if he would compose something for the middle of the song that was about a minute-and-a-half long.
boys, mothers’ boys’,
fathers’ boys,
your boys,
but also in the end
our boys too,
our boys,
all our boys

inviata da Dq82 - 27/11/2018 - 20:50

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