
Push the Button

Hüsker Dü
Lingua: Inglese

Hüsker Dü

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Da "Land Speed Record", primo lavoro degli Hüsker Dü risalente al 1982.

Land Speed Record
Hear the sirens in the afternoon
Enemy missile gonna hit us soon
Casualties will be gigantic
Run down the street and panic

Push the button baby
Freak out, overreact
Push the button baby
Attack attack attack attack

Living underground is no fun
Can't talk to anyone
Ain't got no outside influence
Staying alive by civil defense

Turn your tv to a defense station
They'll provide emergency information
Hide in a cave if you know what's best
Announcer says,
"No, this is not a test" -

inviata da Alessandro - 4/4/2007 - 08:26

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