
Irena Sendler

Tony Harris
Lingua: Inglese

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... a tribute to wartime heroine - Irena Sendler. Who ? Don’t know much about history ? Well here’s a good place to start. Tony says: “What intrigues me about her courage is that she had no weapons or shields to defend herself with. Her acts were by courage and heart alone – and motivated by a love of humanity”. The poetic imagery shines brightly: “Through crosses from stars…” - a reference to the church sited on the border of the Warsaw ghetto through which children were smuggled. “She was Irena, calm and serene and she was Jolanta (her Resistance code name) through rubble and screams”. All this – added to a very fine melody – has created a magnificent and memorable song.

Irena Sendler, da nubile Irena Krzyżanowska (Varsavia, 15 febbraio 1910 – Varsavia, 12 maggio 2008), è stata un'infermiera e assistente sociale polacca, che collaborò con la Resistenza nella Polonia occupata durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. Divenne famosa per avere salvato, insieme con una ventina di altri membri della Resistenza polacca, circa 2.500 bambini ebrei, facendoli uscire di nascosto dal ghetto di Varsavia, fornendo loro falsi documenti e trovando rifugio per loro in case al di fuori del ghetto.
She carried children 
Through crosses from stars 

And she smuggled children 
By courage and heart 

She was my savior 
Lied for me 
I’d lie for her 

She walked where others feared to go 
Saved their lives 
Risking he-r own 

She hid our souls in 
Jars neath the apple tree 

She lived her life so truthfully 
She risked her life for 
Love of humanity 

She was Irena 
Calm and serene 
She was Jolanta 
Through rubble and screams 

Asked by our loved ones 
If they go 
Will they survive? 

She could say only what she knew 
If they stay 
They will surely die 

She hid our souls in 
Jars neath the apple tree 

She showed her love so truthfully 
She risked her life for 
Love of humanity 

She risked her life for 
Love of humanity 

She often said that she could have done more 
But who could give more 
Has more 
To sacrifice ?

inviata da Dq82 - 19/12/2017 - 17:29

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