
Rob a Bank

The Pop Group
Lingua: Inglese

The Pop Group

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Il verso “Robin Hood riding through the glen” è una citazione dalla sigla finale della serie TV inglese “The Adventures Of Robin Hood”, in onda tra il 1955 ed il 1959.

“Was ist ein Einbruch in eine Bank gegen die Gründung einer Bank?
“Che cos’è rapinare una banca al confronto della fondazione di una banca?”

Bertolt Brecht, da “Die Dreigroschenoper” (“L’opera da tre soldi”, 1928), atto III, scena 3.
Rob a bank, rob a bank
Rob a bank, rob a bank
Rob a bank, rob a bank
Rob a bank, rob a bank

Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding through the glen
Robin Hood, Robin Hood with his merry men
Rob a bank, rob a bank
Steal from the rich and give to the poor

Rob a bank, rob a bank
Rob a bank, rob a bank

You want to be invasive (Rob a bank, rob a bank)
You have to steal (Rob a bank, rob a bank)
Rob a bank, rob a bank

Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding through the glen
(Rob a bank, rob a bank)
Rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, rob
Robin Hood, Robin Hood with his merry men

We want nothing, not anything (Rob a bank, rob a bank)
But those who steal the wealth of the people

Rob a bank, rob a bank
Rob a bank, rob a bank
Rob a bank, rob a bank

Rob a bank, rob a bank
Rob a bank, rob a bank

I'm Robin Hood, I'm Robin Hood

Robin Hood, Robin Hood

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 27/11/2015 - 13:28

Pagina principale CCG

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