
Song For Leonard Peltier

Jim Page
Lingua: Inglese

Jim Page

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Leonard's Song

Loan me a minute, let me borrow your ear
and I'll sing you a song about Leonard Peltier.
He's gone so long in a federal jail,
the innocent victim of a tangled tail.

In South Dakota where the fear has grown,
where the presidents watch from a mountain of stone,
and they say all people are free to roam,
there ain't no freedom in the Indian home.

How many have gone before
and tell me how many more
must be lost to the Indian wars

The company spoke to the high command,
"We need the deeds to the Indian land,
to dig for oil and uranium ore.
Maybe have to start a little Indian war."

The orders came from way on high,
and it was a job for the FBI.
"It won't be hard, all we'll have to do
is cause a little trouble and follow it through."

In Oglalla where the spirit did dwell
it was a time they remember well.
There were women and children gathered there
when the wind blew a warning through the whispering air.

And Leonard Peltier was one of those
who came to the call when the time arose
and dangerous strangers were prowlin' around
bringin' trouble to the reservation ground.

And that was when the agents made their play
in a gunshot battle on a deadly day,
and three men died in the hollow sand,
two FBI and an Indian man.

How many have gone before
and tell me how many more
must be lost to the Indian wars

Joe Stuntz was a man that died that day,
but the eyes of the law didn't see it that way.
All they cared about was their own kind.
Gonna get somebody for a capitol crime.

The charge was set for homicide,
but Leonard got away to the Canada side,
where he lived for a while in the northern town
till they came up and got him and the brought him back down.

The judge and the jury, they both agreed,
two times murder in the first degree.
They pounded the gavel and they rang on the bell,
two times life in a federal cell.

Citations came from Washington,
congratulations on a job well done.
Two agents gone is a mighty price,
but if you want somethin' bad you gotta sacrifice.

Now Leonard Peltier is a captured man
with both legs taken so he cannot stand.
One more swallowed by the master plan,
to get their hands on the Indian lands.

How many have gone before
and tell me how many more
must be lost to the Indian wars

And so it's been since days of old
when Custer died for a mountain of gold.
But times have changed and passed him by.
He's been replaced by the FBI.

Oh, it's all so easy to weep and moan
for a warfare fought so far from home.
You can preach of peace from a righteous stand
but there ain't no peace on the Indian land.

When Joe Stuntz was lowered down
the winds did blow with a mighty sound,
and the answer came in the driving rain,
"this man will not have died in vain"

For the hollow power of the lock and key
ain't nothin' to the power of the raging sea,
or the lightning strikes in the angry skies
that puts the power into people's eyes.

Oh, the weather is building to a mighty storm,
and the words in the wind that come to warn
are once more spoken to your ear,
only this time the name is Leonard Peltier.

How many have gone before
and tell me how many more
must be lost to the Indian wars

inviata da adriana - 9/12/2006 - 16:50

USA - Leonard Peltier pestato in carcere!

Il prigioniero politico indigeno Leonard Peltier ha già trascorso 33 anni in carcere, falsamente accusato d'aver ammazzato due agenti dell'FBI ed è in attesa della libertà condizionale. La scorsa settimana è stato trasferito nel carcere di alta sicurezza di Canaan (Pennsylvania) e lì, nonostante i suoi 64 anni, è stato pestato. La sorella e coordinatrice del suo comitato di difesa, Betty Peltier, ha denunciato l'aggressione e chiede un sostegno per Leonard.

(stralci dalla lettera di Betty):

Sono molto indignata perché mio fratello è stato pestato quando è arrivato nel carcere federale di Canaan. Non appena giunto alcuni detenuti lo hanno aggredito, dandogli forti colpi sulla testa e sul corpo. Probabilmente ha un trauma cerebrale, diversi ematomi sparsi sul corpo, un dito gonfio e dolori al torace.

Noi pensiamo che le autorità del carcere, sobillate dall'FBI, hanno orchestrato l'aggressione offrendo agli aggressori qualche sconto di pena. Il fatto è che Leonard a breve dovrebbe avere una udienza in cui decideranno se farlo uscire con la libertà condizionale e l'aggressione potrebbe farlo decadere dallo status di detenuto modello e quindi impedirgli di uscire.

Adesso è in isolamento perché lui si è rifiutato di fare il nome dei suoi aggressori.

I suoi avvocati stanno addirittura cercando di mettersi in contatto con Obama.

L'aggressione è avvenuta dopo l'invio di una lettera dell'FBI, in cui quest'agenzia si oppone alla liberazione di Leonard. (...) Siamo a conoscenza del fatto che l'FBI sta cercando di far restare Leonard in carcere e sta cercando sostegno tra i nativi americani.

Betty Peltier-Solano

Coordinatrice del Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee

Il nuovo indirizzo di Leonard:

Leonard Peltier #89637-132
US Penitentiary
PO Box 300
Waymart, PA 18472

adriana - 23/1/2009 - 20:06

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