
Hinky Dinky Parlez-Vous

Lingua: Inglese

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[Tra le due guerre mondiali]
Canzone di “picket line” sulla melodia e la falsariga di “Mademoiselle from Armentières”, celebre “rake song”, o “risqué song” (canzone soldatesca da caserma, taverna, bordello), dalle trincee della Grande Guerra in Europa.
Il ritornello veniva spesso trascritto in modo volutamente scorretto, “Hinky dinky parlay voo”.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1933. “The Babies Strike”, sciopero di ragazzini e ragazzine tra i 14 e il 16 anni sfruttati nei sweatshops.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1933. “The Babies Strike”, sciopero di ragazzini e ragazzine tra i 14 e il 16 anni sfruttati nei sweatshops.
The bosses are taking it on the chin, parlez-vous;
The bosses are taking it on the chin, parlez-vous;
The bosses are taking it on the chin because the strikers won’t give in;
Hinky dinky parlez-vous.

The scabs are having a heck of a time, parlez-vous;
The scabs are having a heck of a time, parlez-vous;
The scabs are having a heck of a time trying to cross the picket line;
Hinky dinky parlez-vous.

The boss is shaking at the knees, parlez-vous;
The boss is shaking at the knees, parlez-vous;
The boss is shaking at the knees; he’s shaking in his B.V.D.’s; [*]
Hinky dinky parlez-vous.

We’re going to win the union shop, parlez-vous;
We’re going to win the union shop, parlez-vous;
We’re going to win the union shop; we’ll clean the floor with a union mop;
Hinky dinky parlez-vous.

We’re staying on the picket line, parlez-vous;
We’re staying on the picket line, parlez-vous;
We’re staying on the picket line until we get the boss to sign;
Hinky dinky parlez-vous.

[*] B.V.D.’s, per “Bradley, Voorhees & Day”, marca di biancheria intima creata a New York nel 1876.

Old BVDs commercial

Anche noi qui, negli anni 70 e 80, ci siamo messi le mutande e le magliette BVD, allora marchiate “Fruit of the Loom” (le compravo a prezzo stracciato allo spaccio della Robe di Kappa…). Il significato di “Shaking in his BVD’s” non credo necessiti di traduzione.

BVD in the Eighties

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 17/4/2015 - 10:02

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