
Blood on the Valley Floor

Lingua: Inglese


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Chris Cornell Soundgarden 2012

Il ritorno dei Soundgarden, a 13 anni di distanza da "Down on the Upside" e dopo tre album solisti di Chris Cornell e lo scioglimento degli Audioslave.

Una canzone in puro stile Black Sabbath con un testo horror ma pienamente contro la guerra.
Mountains all around
All together we stumbled
Eleven million clowns
Everyone with a razor out

And the smoke lies
On the valley floor
And the blood dries
While we spill some more

Once we were the end
The end of a long road
Leading to the start
Of the ever invading crowds

And the smoke lies
On the valley floor
And the blood dries

Endless summer, needless space
Fill it all up
With a void


Mountains all around
All together we tumbled down

And the smoke lies
On the valley floor
And the blood dries
While we spill…

1/9/2013 - 00:45

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