
West of the Wall

Toni Fisher
Lingua: Inglese

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Parole e musica di Wayne Shanklin (1916-1970), compositore, direttore d’orchestra, arrangiatore e ‎produttore statunitense.‎
Interpretata dalla cantante Toni Fisher con la Wayne Shanklin Orchestra.‎
Testo trovato su Atomic Platters

box set cvr 510

Una canzone d’amore con in mezzo un muro, quello di Berlino, eretto solo l’anno prima.‎
La donna, rimasta a Berlino ovest, trepida per l’amato oltre cortina (di ferro) e spera che il ‎maledetto Muro (“Schandmauer”, il muro della vergogna) che divide il loro amore possa cadere ‎presto… Passeranno – come sappiamo - quasi 30 anni.‎

Muro di Berlino, 1962, ‎foto di Flip Schulke
Muro di Berlino, 1962, ‎foto di Flip Schulke

West of the wall, I'll wait for you
West of the wall, our dreams can all come true
Though we're apart, a little while
My heart will wait until we both can smile

That wall built of our sorrow
We know must have an end
‎‘Til then, dream of tomorrow
When we meet again

West of the wall, where hearts are free
West of the wall, your heart can come to me
And in my arms, that hold you tight
You will forget the darkness of the night

The world knows of our sadness
And we are not alone
West of the wall, that soon will fall
And you come ho-o-o-o-ome

Wall, built up on sorrow, one day you will end
Hearts true to each other will not break, they will not bend
In our hour of sadness how clearly we can see
Tomorrow's gladness, free, free, free, free, free, free

West of the wall, where hearts are free
West of the wall, your heart can come to me
And in my arms, that hold you tight
You will forget the darkness of the night

The world knows of our sadness
And we are not alone
West of the wall, that soon will fall
And you come ho-o-o-o-ome
The curse of the wall!‎

inviata da Bernart - 22/7/2013 - 13:08

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