
Dangerous Dave

Lingua: Inglese


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He's got a gun, he really thinks he’s something.
You don't have to run, he got a sub-machine gun.
He told his mom he’s gonna to join the army
Look at your son, he is gonna to be a man, Ma
He got a uniform

Over the seas he's gonna fight for freedom
Waving the flag he's gonna be a hero
Never afraid he's gonna conquer evil
Do as he's told, he'll make a perfect soldier
He got a uniform

Watch yourself soldier boy, you miss the point son
Discipline soldier boy, you disappoint me
You just do not,
You just do not see

You’re needing the skirt to hide your lack of brain boy
Don’t it just hurt to have to think yourself boy
A clear right and wrong, there'll be no complications
Waving the flag he’s gonna be a leadman
He got a uniform

Watch yourself soldier boy, you miss the point son
Discipline soldier boy, you disappoint me
You just do not,
You just do not see

Caught in a trembling castle, who are we?
Torn by salvations dragon, hope lives on
And so down into a time
Where Liberty and Freedom have no significance
In the current economic crisis
Ah, ah, ah….

inviata da Bartleby - 26/4/2011 - 12:01

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