
A Flower Down The Barrel Of A Gun

Daniel Gannaway
Lingua: Inglese

Daniel Gannaway

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Proposta (Mettete dei fiori nei vostri cannoni)
(I Giganti)
Dividing You
(Daniel Gannaway)

Testo e musica di Daniel Gannaway


La canzone presenta dei sorprendenti punti di contatto con Proposta (Mettete dei fiori nei vostri cannoni) dei Giganti.
What we need is a
What we need is a
Flower down the barrel of a gun
What we need is a
What we need is a
Flower down the barrel of a gun

We don't need no George Bush
Raising a war on terror rising paranoia
Developing a culture of fear
Surely it's not doing anybody any good around here

I say

What we need is a
what we need is a
Flower down the barrel of a gun
What we need is a
What we need is a
Flower down the barrel of a gun

Senseless warmongering
Will only encourage backlash terrorism
Do you think the use of force is wrong?
Does it show us how to better get along?

I say

What we need is a
What we need is a
Flower down the barrel of a gun
What we need is a
What we need is a
Flower down the barrel of a gun

Let's make a prayer for peace
Let's hope they can work it out

Goering said the public can be dragged along
The leaders just need to decide for war
We're endangered if we pray for peace
But they need to know it's in our best interest

I see

What we need is a
What we need is a
Flower down the barrel of a gun
What we need is a
What we need is a
Flower down the barrel of these guns

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 18/6/2005 - 21:40

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