Reverend Gary Davis: Death Don't Have No Mercy
Death don't have no mercy in this land
Death don't have no mercy in this land
He'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death don't have no mercy in this land
Well Death will go in any family in this land
Well Death will go in every family in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and one of your family will be gone
Death will go in any family in this land
Well he never takes a vacation in this land
Well old Death never takes a vacation in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and your mother will be gone
Death never takes a vacation in this land
Great God
Well he'll leave you standin' and cryin' in this land
Well Death will leave you standin' and cryin' in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death will leave you standin' and cryin' in this land
Old Death always in a hurry in this land
Old Death always in a hurry in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and your mother will be gone
Death always in a hurry in this land
Well he won't give you time to get ready in this land
Well he won't give you time to get ready in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death won't give you time to get ready in this land
Make your last talk
Talk to me Death
Talk to me
Death don't have no mercy in this land
He'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death don't have no mercy in this land
Well Death will go in any family in this land
Well Death will go in every family in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and one of your family will be gone
Death will go in any family in this land
Well he never takes a vacation in this land
Well old Death never takes a vacation in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and your mother will be gone
Death never takes a vacation in this land
Great God
Well he'll leave you standin' and cryin' in this land
Well Death will leave you standin' and cryin' in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death will leave you standin' and cryin' in this land
Old Death always in a hurry in this land
Old Death always in a hurry in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
You'll look in the bed and your mother will be gone
Death always in a hurry in this land
Well he won't give you time to get ready in this land
Well he won't give you time to get ready in this land
Well he'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Well you'll look in the bed and somebody will be gone
Death won't give you time to get ready in this land
Make your last talk
Talk to me Death
Talk to me
inviata da Alessandro - 30/12/2009 - 11:48
Il primo album in cui il brano appare è “Blind Gary Davis - Harlem Street Singer” della Fantasy Records risalente al 1960.
Durden ci racconta che dopo il nobel per la pace di cui è stato ingiustamente insignito il re dei guerrafondai, il “Chief-Butcher-in-command” Obama (che oltre ad inviare altri 30.000 soldati in Afghanistan, sta pure per avviare un nuovo fronte di guerra nello Yemen dopo il fallito attentato al volo Delta Amsterdam-Detroit), il Time ha assegnato il titolo di uomo dell’anno a Ben Bernanke, il capo della Federal Reserve, colui grazie al quale le banche e i mostri finanziari, dopo l’immensa abbuffata ai danni dei cittadini statunitensi e dell’umanità perpetrata negli ultimi anni, hanno ricevuto piena assistenza, molto “bicarbonato” ed ora hanno ben digerito, ben ruttato, ben cagato e sono pronti a nuove rapine in grande stile. E questo mentre molte delle loro vittime, a milioni senza casa e senza lavoro, stanno trascorrendo l'inverno nelle tende cibandosi delle razioni dell’assistenza federale…
Vogelmann invece descrive quanto accaduto il 27 dicembre sull’Eurostar Bari-Roma.
Quel giorno uno dei suoi compagni di viaggio era un ragazzo focomelico, senza braccia, “con due moncherini fatti di tre dita che spuntano dalle spalle”… Era salito – racconta Vogelmann – da solo, con il suo bagaglio, con grande fatica… Non aveva fatto a tempo a fare il biglietto e, solo per questo, è stato vessato e maltrattato prima da una giovane e insensibile controllora, poi da un giovane e stupido/cinico capo-treno (che ha chiesto ad un ragazzo senza braccia perché non si fosse servito delle macchinette automatiche per farsi il biglietto!) e quindi da due poliziotti della ferroviaria… Nemmeno l’intervento di Vogelmann (a sua volta maltrattato e dal personale e dai poliziotti) ha impedito che il passeggero disabile fosse costretto a scendere dal treno…
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