

Siouxsie and the Banshees
Lingua: Inglese

Siouxsie and the Banshees

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Album "Tinderbox"

Una canzone che descrive in modo agghiacciante l'abuso sui bambini.


SIOUXSIE: " 'Candyman’ was trying to put across the unspeakability of child abuse, and again, trying not to sensationalise it, just coming up with a very strong picture of a character that was sickly sweet and oozing repulsiveness. The amount of people who’ve been abused is incredible, and it’s only lately that the subject’s been brought out into the open. The whole thing’s such a power trip, and you realise the victims must have been so in fear of saying anything - cos they’ve been told by the perpetrator that they’ll go to hell or something. " (Melody Maker 17/10/92)

CARRUTHERS: "Well, this is about child abusers. Certain people have suggested that it's also about drugs and drug-pushers, but it isn't really. Or at least it could be - Sioux's lyrics are always ambiguous. Even in Berlin where we were recording, we heard about the shocking rise in child abuse. If there's one thing Sioux really hates it's children being used against their will. It's a prime concern of hers." (Melody Maker 1986)

SIOUXSIE: "It's really to do with grown ups' abuse of children's trust, whether it's sexual or not, the innocence and dependency as well. I just find anything to do with that is repulsive. Pornography or people showing their boobs, that's another thing. I'm not going to be puritanical about any of that because that's all grown ups." (Record Mirror 15/05/86)

(Da un sito dedicato alle Banshees)
Sickly sweet, his poison seeks
For the young ones who don't understand
The danger in his hands
With a jaundiced wink see his cunning slink
Oh trust in me my pretty one
Come walk with me my helpless one


Syrup lies upon your tongue
Gelatine saliva spills
The flash of a guillotine a smile

Candyman - oh candyman

No pity for him, their misery screams
Unspeakable things

A cool missile, yes it's in his smile
With open arms to welcome you
Beware the masked pretender

He always lies, this candyman
Those lips conspire in treachery
To strike in cloak and dagger, see!

Candyman - oh candyman

And all the children, he warns "don't tell,''
Those threats are sold
With their guilt and shame they think they're to blame
For candyman - oh candyman.

inviata da Alessandro - 13/8/2009 - 14:17

Lingua: Italiano

Versione italiana di Eleonora

Dolcemente perverso, il suo veleno è in cerca
Di persone giovani che non vedono
Il percolo nelle sue mani
Con un ammiccamento velenoso, guarda i suoi astuti movimenti furtivi!
"Oh, fidati di me, tesoro
Oh, vieni a fare una passeggiata con me, mia piccola creatura indifesa!"

Uomo caramella

Hai dello sciroppo dolce sulla lingua
Ti cade dalla bocca un po' di saliva simile alle giuggiole
L'attimo in cui cade la lama di una ghigliottina, un sorriso

Uomo caramella, oh uomo caramella

Nessuna pietà per lui. La loro miseria grida
Cose indicibili!

Un freddo missile, sì, è nel suo sorriso
Con le braccia aperte per accoglierti
Guardati da quell'abile dissimulatore mascherato!

Lui mente sempre, l'uomo caramella
Le sue labbra cospirano nella perfidia
Per colpire col mantello e il coltello, guarda!

Uomo caramella, oh uomo caramella

E a tutti i bambini, "Non raccontare niente!" raccomanda
Queste minacce vengono loro offerte
E con il loro senso di colpa e la loro vergogna pensano di essere loro quelli che meritano disprezzo
Al posto dell'uomo caramella, oh, dell'uomo caramella!!!

inviata da Eleonora - 27/1/2012 - 23:37

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