Author Nordahl Grieg
Til ungdommen [Kringsatt av fiender]
Kringsatt av fiender,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2005/6/12 - 12:51
Song Itineraries:
The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 and Franco's Dictatorship
Swedish version by Roland von Malmborg
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2006/1/3 - 16:54
In base alle informazioni fornite qui da Pål Eivind Nes, la versione danese (di autore per ora sconosciuto) risale al 1956, anno nel quale fu anche registrata. Sempre secondo Pål Eivind Nes, il compositore danese Otto Hübertz Mortensen (1907-1986) avrebbe composto la melodia per la poesia di Nordahl Grieg nel 1956, vale a dire nel 20° anniversario della poesia stessa; ma questo contrasta con tutte le fonti (si veda ad esempio qui), che indicano il 1952 come anno di composizione. Più probabilmente, Otto Mortensen compose la melodia originariamente per la versione norvegese; l'adattamento in danese è praticamente naturale, data l'estrema vicinanza tra le due lingue.
According to the info given here by Pål Eivind Nes, the Danish version (by an author still unknown) dates back to 1956, and was recorded in the same year. As Pål Eivind Nes stated in another note, the Danish composer Otto Hübertz... (Continues)
According to the info given here by Pål Eivind Nes, the Danish version (by an author still unknown) dates back to 1956, and was recorded in the same year. As Pål Eivind Nes stated in another note, the Danish composer Otto Hübertz... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi / Holger Terp 2006/1/5 - 15:55
Holger Terp:
"The song has never been translated into Danish!!!
It has always been published in Norwegian in Denmark."
CCG/AWS Staff:
Yes, I know, there's no need of singing a Norwegian song in Danish. The two languages are nearly the same. But I found a Danish translation of this song and AWS/CCG hosts any translation in any language of any song, even if it has never been published. This is one of the founding principles of this website. Anyway, Holger, thanks for correcting the Danish translation: as it is made by Danes, I was sure it was correct. I should always check any translation. Anyway, this page has been totally restructured with inclusion of your precious notes (that I have personally translated into Italian and English), and of Rod Sinclair's English version. Videoclips of the song in Norwegian and English have also been included.
"The song has never been translated into Danish!!!
It has always been published in Norwegian in Denmark."
CCG/AWS Staff:
Yes, I know, there's no need of singing a Norwegian song in Danish. The two languages are nearly the same. But I found a Danish translation of this song and AWS/CCG hosts any translation in any language of any song, even if it has never been published. This is one of the founding principles of this website. Anyway, Holger, thanks for correcting the Danish translation: as it is made by Danes, I was sure it was correct. I should always check any translation. Anyway, this page has been totally restructured with inclusion of your precious notes (that I have personally translated into Italian and English), and of Rod Sinclair's English version. Videoclips of the song in Norwegian and English have also been included.
Riccardo Venturi 2010/1/8 - 02:40
Versione inglese di Rod Sinclair
The song performed in English by the Norwegian artist Kjersti Sofie Løvåsdal Halvorsen ("Elfgirl93").
The song performed in English by the Norwegian artist Kjersti Sofie Løvåsdal Halvorsen ("Elfgirl93").
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff & Holger Terp 2010/1/8 - 04:02
D'après la version italienne de Riccardo Venturi – 2005 d'une chanson norvégienne – Til ungdommen – Nordahl Grieg – 1936 ( Musique Otto Mortensen – 1952)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/1/8 - 10:24
Dear friends,
Thanks for this.
Much appreciated.
Two small translation errors: [...]
Thanks for this.
Much appreciated.
Two small translation errors: [...]
Holger Terp 2010/1/8 - 10:40
Contrariamente a quanto affermato a suo tempo dal nostro amico Holger Terp, la canzone non è stata soltanto tradotta in danese, ma anche cantata, nella sua lingua materna, dal famoso cantautore e rockstar Kim Larsen. Presumibilmente, l'autore della traduzione è Kim Larsen stesso:
Despite of what our friend Holger Terp said some time ago, not only has this song been translated into Danish, but also performed by the famous Danish folksinger and rockstar Kim Larsen in his native language. The author of the Danish translation may be Kim Larsen himself:
Da en:wikipedia / From en:wikipedia :
"The song has also been recorded by Danish rock musician Kim Larsen, first on his album 231045-0637 from 1979. However, on this album it was called 682 A rather than Til Ungdommen, a reference to the song's listing in the Danish folk high school songbook. Kim Larsen also included the song on his live... (Continues)
Despite of what our friend Holger Terp said some time ago, not only has this song been translated into Danish, but also performed by the famous Danish folksinger and rockstar Kim Larsen in his native language. The author of the Danish translation may be Kim Larsen himself:
Da en:wikipedia / From en:wikipedia :
"The song has also been recorded by Danish rock musician Kim Larsen, first on his album 231045-0637 from 1979. However, on this album it was called 682 A rather than Til Ungdommen, a reference to the song's listing in the Danish folk high school songbook. Kim Larsen also included the song on his live... (Continues)
Riccardo Venturi 2013/3/23 - 22:59
La canzone è talmente famosa in Norvegia (e nei paesi scandinavi tutti) che è stata anche eseguita strumentalmente nella Cattedrale di Oslo, il 24 luglio 2011, in occasione della messa solenne in suffragio per le vittime degli attentati del 22 luglio 2011 nella stessa Oslo e sull'isola di Utøya, compiuti dal nazista xenofobo Anders Behring Breivik:
Il 21 agosto 2011, durante la cerimonia solenne alla Oslo Spektrum, a un mese dalle stragi di luglio, è stata cantata da Sissel Kyrkjebø:
Nel video sotto, la folla radunatasi in una piazza della città di Bergen il 25 luglio 2011 per la fiaccolata (fakkeltog) in memoria delle vittime degli attentati, canta la canzone:
Il 21 agosto 2011, durante la cerimonia solenne alla Oslo Spektrum, a un mese dalle stragi di luglio, è stata cantata da Sissel Kyrkjebø:
Nel video sotto, la folla radunatasi in una piazza della città di Bergen il 25 luglio 2011 per la fiaccolata (fakkeltog) in memoria delle vittime degli attentati, canta la canzone:
Riccardo Venturi 2013/3/23 - 23:23
D’après la version italienne de Riccardo Venturi – 2005 d’une chanson norvégienne – Til ungdommen – Nordahl Grieg – 1936 – Musique : Otto Mortensen – 1952
Petite note concernant l’auteur :
Johan Nordahl Brun Grieg, alias Nordahl Grieg (Bergen 1/11/1902 – Kleinmachnow – Berlin 2/12/1943).
Poète, romancier (auteur de « Le navire poursuit sa route » (roman, 1924), très admiré par Malcolm Lowry, dramaturge, journaliste et militant politique norvégien.
Venu d’une famille aisée, apparenté au compositeur Edvard Grieg, il fit des études à Oslo et Oxford.
Par la suite, il rejoint le Parti Communiste norvégien et séjourne en URSS ; stalinien convaincu, il prend la défense du régime lors des Procès de Moscou.
Correspondant de presse durant la guerre d’Espagne, il écrit en 1936, son poème le plus célèbre : « Til ungdommen » (À la jeunesse), mis en musique en 1952 par le compositeur danois Otto... (Continues)
Petite note concernant l’auteur :
Johan Nordahl Brun Grieg, alias Nordahl Grieg (Bergen 1/11/1902 – Kleinmachnow – Berlin 2/12/1943).
Poète, romancier (auteur de « Le navire poursuit sa route » (roman, 1924), très admiré par Malcolm Lowry, dramaturge, journaliste et militant politique norvégien.
Venu d’une famille aisée, apparenté au compositeur Edvard Grieg, il fit des études à Oslo et Oxford.
Par la suite, il rejoint le Parti Communiste norvégien et séjourne en URSS ; stalinien convaincu, il prend la défense du régime lors des Procès de Moscou.
Correspondant de presse durant la guerre d’Espagne, il écrit en 1936, son poème le plus célèbre : « Til ungdommen » (À la jeunesse), mis en musique en 1952 par le compositeur danois Otto... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2016/4/5 - 15:58
The first Danish version was recorded in 1956, later made into a number 1 hit by Kim Larsen in 1979.
Pål Eivind Nes 2017/5/27 - 21:58
Well, not even the first Danish version. The melody was written by Danish composer Otto Mortensen in 1956, on the 20th anniversary of the poem.
Pål Eivind Nes 2017/5/27 - 21:59
Thanks to Pål Eivind Nes for his precious historical remarks on the Danish version of this important poem and song. We seized the occasion not only to improve the Danish part of this page, but also to update the entire page (f.ex. by adding or changing missing videos, new translations etc.). Just a couple of questions for Pål Eivind Nes: Otto Mortensen's music is generally given as composed in 1952. Is this correct or should we backdate it to 1956? Then, who did record the Danish version first in 1956?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
CCG/AWS Staff 2017/5/28 - 04:45
Traducción al castellano por Miguel Angel Alvarado Calderón
Dal blog "Eppur si muove!". "Esta es mi burda traducción y lo más apegada posible a la versión original con mi noruego campirano".
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2017/5/29 - 12:58
La versione tedesca di Peter Otto (2011)
Deutsche Übertragung von Peter Otto (2011)
Til Ungdommen (Deutsch: Für die Jugend), auch Kringsatt av Fiender, ist ein Gedicht des norwegischen Schriftstellers und Journalisten Nordahl Grieg aus dem Jahr 1936. Die Liedfassung schuf der dänische Komponist Otto (Hübertz) Mortensen (1907–1986) im Jahr 1952. Das Lied gehört zum Repertoire zahlreicher Sänger. Nach den Anschlägen in Norwegen am 22. Juli 2011 wurde das Lied zu einem Bestandteil der Gedenkgottesdienste, Zusammenkünfte und Trauerfeiern für die Opfer der Anschläge.
Der norwegische Politiker Trond Hegna (1898–1992) bat Nordahl Grieg im Jahr 1936, das Gedicht Til Ungdommen für die norwegische Studentenvereinigung Det Norske Studentersamfund (DNS) in Oslo zu schreiben. Daran erinnert der Name des Gedichtes Til Ungdommen (Deutsch: Für die Jugend). Das ganze Gedicht bezieht sich auf den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg, der im Juli 1936 ausgebrochen... (Continues)
Til Ungdommen (Deutsch: Für die Jugend), auch Kringsatt av Fiender, ist ein Gedicht des norwegischen Schriftstellers und Journalisten Nordahl Grieg aus dem Jahr 1936. Die Liedfassung schuf der dänische Komponist Otto (Hübertz) Mortensen (1907–1986) im Jahr 1952. Das Lied gehört zum Repertoire zahlreicher Sänger. Nach den Anschlägen in Norwegen am 22. Juli 2011 wurde das Lied zu einem Bestandteil der Gedenkgottesdienste, Zusammenkünfte und Trauerfeiern für die Opfer der Anschläge.
Der norwegische Politiker Trond Hegna (1898–1992) bat Nordahl Grieg im Jahr 1936, das Gedicht Til Ungdommen für die norwegische Studentenvereinigung Det Norske Studentersamfund (DNS) in Oslo zu schreiben. Daran erinnert der Name des Gedichtes Til Ungdommen (Deutsch: Für die Jugend). Das ganze Gedicht bezieht sich auf den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg, der im Juli 1936 ausgebrochen... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2017/5/29 - 13:10
Frisian version from fy.wikipedia
Til ungdommen ('Oan de jonkheid'), ek bekind as Kringsatt av fiender ('Omkringe troch fijannen'), is in gedicht fan de Noarske dichter en sjoernalist Nordahl Grieg (1 novimber 1902 - 2 desimber 1943). De Deenske komponist Otto Mortensen (1907-1986) foarseach yn 1952 it gedicht fan in meldij. Withoe folle muzikanten en muzykgroepen hawwe dit liet opnommen yn harren repertoire. Nei de oanslach yn Noarwegen op 22 july 2011 waard it liet útfierd by ferskate betinkingsgearkomsten.
Yn 1936 skreau Grieg de tekst op fersyk fan de Noarske politikus Trond Hegna (1898 – 1992) by gelegenheid fan in feest fan de Noarske studinteferiening Det Norske Studentersamfund. De tekst is basearre op it útbrekken fan de Spaanske Boargeroarloch yn july 1936. It gedicht ropt op ta in freedsumme reaksje op it geweld dat Jeropa te wachtsjen stie, mar fûn yn dy tiid net folle oanklank.... (Continues)
Til ungdommen ('Oan de jonkheid'), ek bekind as Kringsatt av fiender ('Omkringe troch fijannen'), is in gedicht fan de Noarske dichter en sjoernalist Nordahl Grieg (1 novimber 1902 - 2 desimber 1943). De Deenske komponist Otto Mortensen (1907-1986) foarseach yn 1952 it gedicht fan in meldij. Withoe folle muzikanten en muzykgroepen hawwe dit liet opnommen yn harren repertoire. Nei de oanslach yn Noarwegen op 22 july 2011 waard it liet útfierd by ferskate betinkingsgearkomsten.
Yn 1936 skreau Grieg de tekst op fersyk fan de Noarske politikus Trond Hegna (1898 – 1992) by gelegenheid fan in feest fan de Noarske studinteferiening Det Norske Studentersamfund. De tekst is basearre op it útbrekken fan de Spaanske Boargeroarloch yn july 1936. It gedicht ropt op ta in freedsumme reaksje op it geweld dat Jeropa te wachtsjen stie, mar fûn yn dy tiid net folle oanklank.... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2017/5/29 - 13:22
Nederlandse vertaling van nl.wikipedia af
Dutch translation from nl.wikipedia
Til ungdommen (Aan de jeugd), ook bekend als Kringsatt av fiender (Omringd door vijanden), is een gedicht van de Noorse dichter en journalist Nordahl Grieg (1 november 1902 - 2 december 1943). In 1936 werd de tekst geschreven op verzoek van de Noorse politicus Trond Hegna (1898 - 1992) ter gelegenheid van een feest van de Noorse studentenvereniging Det Norske Studentersamfund.
De tekst is gebaseerd op het uitbreken van de Spaanse Burgeroorlog in juli 1936. Het gedicht roept op tot een vreedzame reactie op het geweld dat Europa te wachten stond, maar vond in die tijd weinig weerklank. Het gedicht raakte niet in de vergetelheid en bleef populair, vooral in humanistische kringen. De Deense componist Otto Mortensen (1907-1986) voorzag in 1952 het gedicht van een melodie. Talrijke muzikanten en muziekgroepen hebben... (Continues)
Dutch translation from nl.wikipedia
Til ungdommen (Aan de jeugd), ook bekend als Kringsatt av fiender (Omringd door vijanden), is een gedicht van de Noorse dichter en journalist Nordahl Grieg (1 november 1902 - 2 december 1943). In 1936 werd de tekst geschreven op verzoek van de Noorse politicus Trond Hegna (1898 - 1992) ter gelegenheid van een feest van de Noorse studentenvereniging Det Norske Studentersamfund.
De tekst is gebaseerd op het uitbreken van de Spaanse Burgeroorlog in juli 1936. Het gedicht roept op tot een vreedzame reactie op het geweld dat Europa te wachten stond, maar vond in die tijd weinig weerklank. Het gedicht raakte niet in de vergetelheid en bleef populair, vooral in humanistische kringen. De Deense componist Otto Mortensen (1907-1986) voorzag in 1952 het gedicht van een melodie. Talrijke muzikanten en muziekgroepen hebben... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2017/5/29 - 13:36
Snarað: Eyvindur P. Eiríksson, rithöfundur og fv. lektor
Icelandic translation by Eyvindur P. Eiríksson, writer and researcher
Til æskunnar!
Vísir, 13.02.2012.
Fyrir jólin birtist í Fréttablaðinu gott greinarkorn um þá ágætu norsku söngkonu Sissel Kyrkjebø og m.a. að hún hefði við minningarathöfnina um þá sem dóu í morðunum vibjóðslegu í Ósló og Útey sungið ljóð Nordahls Grieg „Til æskunnar", sem þar var nefnt sálmur. Undirritaðan langar af því tilefni að hafa nokkur orð um ljóðið og skáldið.
„Til ungdommen" mætti svo sem vel kalla lofsöng en ekki sálm, enda var skáldið Nordahl Grieg enginn trúmaður en algjör friðarsinni og mikill mannvinur. Hann var frægur í Noregi og víðar, skrifaði ljóð, leikrit, sögur o.fl. Umdeildur var hann og einkum fyrir stjórnmálaskoðanir sínar, hann var sannur sameignarsinni og kommúnisti. Hann trúði vissulega of einlæglega á sósíalisma í Sovétríkjunum, eins... (Continues)
Icelandic translation by Eyvindur P. Eiríksson, writer and researcher
Til æskunnar!
Vísir, 13.02.2012.
Fyrir jólin birtist í Fréttablaðinu gott greinarkorn um þá ágætu norsku söngkonu Sissel Kyrkjebø og m.a. að hún hefði við minningarathöfnina um þá sem dóu í morðunum vibjóðslegu í Ósló og Útey sungið ljóð Nordahls Grieg „Til æskunnar", sem þar var nefnt sálmur. Undirritaðan langar af því tilefni að hafa nokkur orð um ljóðið og skáldið.
„Til ungdommen" mætti svo sem vel kalla lofsöng en ekki sálm, enda var skáldið Nordahl Grieg enginn trúmaður en algjör friðarsinni og mikill mannvinur. Hann var frægur í Noregi og víðar, skrifaði ljóð, leikrit, sögur o.fl. Umdeildur var hann og einkum fyrir stjórnmálaskoðanir sínar, hann var sannur sameignarsinni og kommúnisti. Hann trúði vissulega of einlæglega á sósíalisma í Sovétríkjunum, eins... (Continues)
Contributed by Ríkarður V. Albertsson 2017/5/29 - 14:31
La versione russa di Lev Vladimirovič Ginzburg / Лев Владимирович Гинзбург (1921-1980)
Русский текст полностью, в переводе Л. В. Гинзбурга
The Russian version by La versione russa di Lev Vladimirovič Ginzburg / Лев Владимирович Гинзбург (1921-1980)
La versione di L.V. Ginzburg è tratta da questa pagina del blog “Маленький хоббит в большом мире людей” (“Un piccolo hobbit in un gran mondo di gente”), con abbondanza di informazioni e video.
L.V. Ginzburg's Russian version is reproduced from this page of the blog “Маленький хоббит в большом мире людей” (“A small Hobbit in a big world of people”) with plenty of info and videos. [RV]
The Russian version by La versione russa di Lev Vladimirovič Ginzburg / Лев Владимирович Гинзбург (1921-1980)
La versione di L.V. Ginzburg è tratta da questa pagina del blog “Маленький хоббит в большом мире людей” (“Un piccolo hobbit in un gran mondo di gente”), con abbondanza di informazioni e video.
L.V. Ginzburg's Russian version is reproduced from this page of the blog “Маленький хоббит в большом мире людей” (“A small Hobbit in a big world of people”) with plenty of info and videos. [RV]
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2017/5/29 - 17:45
Poesia di Nordahl Grieg
A poem by Nordahl Grieg
Musica: Otto Hübertz Mortensen (1907-1986) [1952]
Music: Otto Hübertz Mortensen (1907-1986) [1952]
Interpretazione di Lavrans Sørensen
Performed by Lavrans Sørensen
Tekst af den norske forfatter, journalist og publicist Nordahl Grieg (1902-1943), skrevet i 1936 som en kommentar til borgerkrigen i Spanien. Musik af komponisten Otto Mortensen (1907-1986), 1952. Ejnar Kampp noterer i omslaget til De mørke fugle, at han læste digtet første gang i et illegalt tidsskrift i 1944-45. Desværre beretter han ikke hvilket han læste det i.
Digtet Til ungdommen er omtalt i det legale tidsskrift Ny ungdoms leder i nr. 2, 1941, hvilket tyder på en tidligere bogtrykt publicering af sangen. Desværre er første nummer af Ungdommens Fredsudvalgs tidsskrift bortkommet fra foreningens arkiv, så det vides ikke med sikkerhed, om foreningen rent faktisk... (Continues)