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Autore Amanda Palmer

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Everybody Knows Somebody

Everybody Knows Somebody
released August 15, 2019

This song was written in response to the insanity going on in our country. gun violence and the deaths of ordinary people all over America is becoming NORMAL.


let's call it what it is: a public health crisis. too many senseless deaths. too much pointless tragedy that could be avoided with better, safer, smarter gun laws.
They say
31/12/2020 - 18:31
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Drowning in the Sound

Drowning in the Sound
dall'album "There Will Be No Intermission" del 2019

Cambiamenti climatici, #MeToo e il governo di Trump sono solo alcuni dei temi trattati in questa originale canzone orchestrale di Amanda Palmer.

this song was written as a two-day songwriting exercise on august 29th and 30th, 2017, using input/inspiration/comments from over 600 patrons (you can read those here). it wound up being a response to the insanity of internet politics melded with the recent total eclipse and the devastation of hurricane harvey….and, y’know…other stuff.

Amanda Palmer

It features a strong criticism of the current American government, the title a reference to global warming and the overwhelming amount of political discourse and information.
You worship the sun and you're aching for change
27/8/2019 - 17:55
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La cover di Amanda Palmer dedicata a Trump e all'attuale amministrazione statunitense.

In questo video provocatorio Amanada Palmer si esibisce in una troccante versione del classico dei Pink Floyd riarrangiata per archi. Il video, che vede l'attore Chris Wells nella parte di Trump, dipinge un mondo distopico in cui i bambini sono costretti a costruire un muro (quello della canzone e quello che Trump vuole far pagare ai messicani). In una sorprendente scena finale la cantante insieme ad altre donne (l'intera orchestra che suona è composta da donne) salva i bambini e... allatta il presidente dai capelli arancioni...

"E' una canzone su un uomo represso, su un muro e su una bomba nucleare". L'associazione con Trump è stata quasi inevitabile.

"The lyrics to 'Mother' haunted me during the inauguration. There's a surge in female power right now: Trump and co. can prattle on about how they're... (continua)
Lorenzo 10/6/2018 - 15:54
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Strength Through Music

Strength Through Music
dal primo album solista di Amanda, "Who Killed Amanda Palmer"

Il resoconto in prima persona di una delle tante stragi nelle scuole statunitensi, probabilmente ispirato ai fatti di Columbine. Anni dopo le stragi nelle scuole si sono moltiplicate e niente è cambiato nella legislazione sulle armi.
A peculiar thing happened to me this morning
10/6/2018 - 11:48
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In Harm's Way

In Harm's Way
Scritta da Amanda Palmer
Videoclip di Abel Azcona

rewind a year or so…to septemer 3rd, 2015.
remember this?

if you weren’t living out of the news cycle, you saw this.
this is aylan kurdi, a 3-year-old boy who was lying dead, face down on the shores of turkey during the crisis of 2015…and just happened to be captured by a news photographer.
but children were dying daily, hourly, minutely.

the world turned its attention to the crisis because of the photo, but the news cycle fades, and crisis didn’t go away. it persists.

when i saw the photo, like most people (i assume), my heart skipped a beat and i found myself crying.

how could all of us in this world be taking such poor care of one another?
what the fuck is happening?

i was due to give birth in two weeks.

my womb hurt.

two weeks later, i gave birth to ash in the woods of tenessee, far away from the news, far away from everything.... (continua)
What i cannot see cannot be not untrue
10/6/2018 - 10:27
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Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now

Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now
Amanda Palmer & Jasmine Power

Il monologo di una donna invitata nell'ufficio di un uomo potente, come il produttore Harvey Weinstein citato nel titolo, recentemente accusato di molestie e aggressioni sessuali da numerose attrici e personalità femminili dell'industria cinematografica.

Leggi Why Amanda Palmer Wrote A Song Called "Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now"
Your seven hundredth bedroom
9/6/2018 - 18:13

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