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Author Peter La Farge

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If I Could Not Be an Indian

If I Could Not Be an Indian
Parole e musica di Peter LaFarge (1931-1965)
Nel disco intitolato “On The Warpath”
If I could not be an Indian but I could choose my clan
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/11 - 10:05
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Parole e musica di Peter LaFarge (1931-1965)
Nel disco intitolato “As Long As The Grass Shall Grow”

Canzone dedicata a Tecumseh (Tekoomsē, che in lingua Shawnee significa “Stella cadente” oppure “Pantera accovacciata nel cielo”), leggendario capo di una confederazione di tribù native algonchine che occupavano territori oggi divisi tra Oklahoma, Kentucky, Ohio e West Virginia.
I nativi di lingua Shawnee si allearono con i britannici durante la guerra d’indipendenza, perché quelli avevano loro garantito una relativa autonomia, e anche dopo continuarono a combattere contro gli americani i quali, dal canto loro, li vedevano come traditori e avevano ancora meno scrupoli a massacrarli

Tecumseh era nato – si dice, di padre inglese - nel 1768 nella zona dello Scioto River in Ohio ed aveva capito molto presto che i nativi dovevano contrastare in armi l’avanzata dei bianchi se volevano... (Continues)
Crouching Panther made the fine old stand
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/6 - 15:35
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Damn Redskins

Damn Redskins
Parole e musica di Peter LaFarge (1931-1965)
Nel disco intitolato “As Long As The Grass Shall Grow”
Oh, it's trouble trouble trouble
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/6 - 14:51
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Look Again to the Wind

Look Again to the Wind
Parole e musica di Peter LaFarge (1931-1965)
Nel disco intitolato “As Long As The Grass Shall Grow”
Now we shall go forward
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/6 - 14:40
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Radioactive Eskimo

Radioactive Eskimo
Parole e musica di Peter LaFarge (1931-1965)
Nel disco intitolato “On The Warpath”
Hooray! I'm a radioactive eskimo with a radioactive mother
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/6 - 11:26
Song Itineraries: No Nukes, War on Earth
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Johnny Half-Breed

Johnny Half-Breed
Parole e musica di Peter LaFarge (1931-1965)
Nel disco intitolato “On The Warpath”

“Half-breed”, “mongrel” = mezzosangue, meticcio, nè carne nè pesce, né questo né quello…
I’ll tell you of a man, he was a half-breed too,
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/6 - 10:45
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I’m an Indian, I’m an Alien

I’m an Indian, I’m an Alien
Parole e musica di Peter LaFarge (1931-1965)
Nel disco intitolato “On The Warpath”
I’m an Indian, I’m an alien
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/6 - 10:25
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Hey, Mr. President

Hey, Mr. President
Parole e musica di Peter LaFarge (1931-1965)
Nel disco intitolato “As Long As The Grass Shall Grow”

Ehi, signor presidente, vediamo un po’ cosa succederebbe se le cose andassero al rovescio, se foste voi bianchi a stare nelle riserve…
Hey, Mr. President, we’re going to charge you rent
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2015/8/6 - 10:10
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Vision of a Past Warrior

Vision of a Past Warrior
Album “As Long as the Grass Shall Grow: Peter La Farge Sings of the Indians”, Folkways Records
I have within me such a dream of pain
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/5/17 - 08:24
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Take Back Your Atom Bomb

Take Back Your Atom Bomb
Album “As Long as the Grass Shall Grow: Peter La Farge Sings of the Indians”, Folkways Records
Take back your atom bomb
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/5/17 - 08:17
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The Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears
Album “As Long as the Grass Shall Grow: Peter La Farge Sings of the Indians”, Folkways Records

Forse la più bella delle diverse canzoni omonime (The Trail of Tears di Guy Carawan e Trail of Tears di John Denver) dedicate alla deportazione delle cosiddette “Five Civilized Tribes” indiane dal sud degli USA in Oklahoma, tra il 1830 e il 1840.
E’ bene ricordare che Peter La Farge era di sangue nativo, discendendo dalla tribù algonquina dei Narragansett del Rhode Island.
Who are those ghosts that pass on the plains?
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/5/17 - 08:04
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Coyote, My Little Brother

Coyote, My Little Brother
Album “As Long as the Grass Shall Grow: Peter La Farge Sings of the Indians”, Folkways Records
Coyot', Coyotee-ee-ee!
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/5/14 - 13:09
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide
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Album "Peter La Farge On The Warpath" (1965)
Publicato su Broadside #44 (April 1964)

... ma registrata qualche mese prima da Johnny Cash nel suo "Bitter Tears: Ballads of the American Indian".

"Another song about education - this one the attempted forcible assimilation of the remaining Indians, partly by teaching them history from the white man's point of view, even giving them "white" names. The chorus warns that Indian culture will not go away."
(from Ramblings of A Ragged Clown Music Blog)

From the Indian reservation to the governmental school
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/17 - 13:33
Song Itineraries: Native American Genocide

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