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Author Three Shoes Posse

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Red Money

Red Money
Album: Three Shoes Posse
I'm seein' red money
Contributed by giorgio 2010/1/1 - 08:46

10 Second Free Fall

10 Second Free Fall
Album: Three Shoes Posse

The World Trade Center buildings collapsed at free-fall speed in 10 seconds. Explosions were seen and heard. This was an obvious controlled demolition proving that 911 was an inside job. We need a new investigation to bring the real terrorists to justice!

"We were motivated to write this song when we learned the truth about 911. We are dedicated to the families of the victims to achieve justice for them and their lost loved ones by exposing what really happened on that day".
Alright, we're just searching for the truth
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/30 - 12:31

Gun No Kill

Gun No Kill
Album: Three Shoes Posse

"It's not the guns that kill, it's the people that use them unwisely. We must stand up for our Second Amendment rights! Gun ownership and self-defense are crucial founding principles of this Republic!"
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/29 - 21:47


Album: Three Shoes Posse

The ones making the money off the wars are the REAL problem.
– Yeah,
Contributed by giorgio 2009/12/29 - 18:38

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