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Author Björn Afzelius

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Señor Martínez Mondragóns bekännelse

Señor Martínez Mondragóns bekännelse
Lyrics by Björn Afzelius and music by Jim Page.

Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes in his 95 Sånger (95 Songs) book:

"Jag satt en dag på stranden i Italien och läste Herald Tribune. På sidan sju redovisades ett förhörsprotokoll från Nicaragua. En Contrasoldat hade fått nog av sin egen verksamhet och frivilligt överlämnat sig till Sandanistregererigen i Managua. När jag läst artiklen frös jag som en hund i solskenet. Jag lämnade stranden och gick hem och skrev texten direkt ur tidningen. Offret i sången Ar bara två av de femtiotusen dodade nicaraguanska bönder, vilkas liv Ronald Reagan har på sin samvete - om han nu haft en sådant."

"One day I sat on the beach in Italy and read the Herald Tribune. On page seven was reported an interrogation minutes from Nicaragua. A Contra soldier had had enough of his own activities and freely surrendered himself to the Sandinista regime in Managua.... (Continues)
We left our camp
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2019/1/12 - 21:57
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Balladen om K

Balladen om K
Procedendo con la traduzione, mi è venuta precisamente a mente E qualcuno poi disse di Gianni Nebbiosi. [RV]
2018/12/12 - 19:06
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Amerika, du tar mina vänner

Amerika, du tar mina vänner
Riccardo Venturi, 5-12-2018 10:11

Parafrasando una celeberrima battuta: Elvis è morto, John Lennon è morto e neppure io mi sento troppo bene. E' possibile comunque consolarsi almeno in parte, perché tutti sanno che Elvis è vivo e vegeto, sta nel Borneo vicino a Hitler e a Ambrose Bierce, ed è naturalmente immortale. Scherzi a parte, una brevissima canzone che va presa per quella che è: uno sfogo un po' irrazionale, direi. Si può essere d'accordo sul fatto che John Lennon è rimasto vittima dello star system, ma un pazzo furioso se lo poteva beccare dovunque, e non solo in America. Il testo svedese presenta un paio di imprecazioni, invero piuttosto pesanti in quella lingua (Ceil Herman ha tradotto la seconda in inglese con “Goddamned shit”, che per gli standard anglosassoni è ugualmente pesante). In italiano autentico ci sarebbero stati bene, almeno nel secondo caso, dei mòccoli sanguinosi; ma ho preferito tradurre alla lettera. [RV]
2018/12/5 - 10:12

Bofors (Skyll inte på mig)

Bofors (Skyll inte på mig)
Mikael Wiehe wrote this song in 1987. Performed by Björn Afzelius with slightly altered lyrics and titled Skyll inte på mig (Don't Blame Me) it was first released on Afzelius's 1994 album Nära dig (Close to You). Performed by Mikael Wiehe and Björn Afzelius, the song was recorded in Swedish Malmö in 1993 and released under the title Bofors on their 2004 album Björn Afzelius & Mikael Wiehe 1993 - Malmöinspelningarna. For Afzelius, this album was a posthuomous release as he passed away in 1999.

Bofors is a Swedish arms manufacturer known for its guns and missiles. In the 1980s, Bofors was involved in scandals dealing with illegal arms export to Dubai and Bahrain and bribery to secure a 1,4-billion US$ contract with the government of India for 410 field howitzer guns to the Indian army.
Kom inte här och skyll på oss,
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/11/30 - 11:35
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Den Himmelska Fridens Torg

Den Himmelska Fridens Torg
Ceil Herman

Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes in his 95 Sånger (95 Songs) book:

"Sommaren 1989 slog Kinas militär till mot sina egna landsmän, och den totalitära staten visade sitt rätta ansikte. Över tusen studenter mördades, för att de ropade på frihet.

"In the summer of 1989 China's military fought against their own countrymen, and the totalitarian state showed its real face. Over a thousand students were murdered, because they cried out for freedom."

There is no video of Björn Afzelius singing this song. A cover version by Kurbits & Rötjut:

Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/11/18 - 22:37
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Balladen om K

Balladen om K
Juha Rämö
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/11/8 - 13:03
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Vad bryr jag mej om varför

Vad bryr jag mej om varför

This is the link to the Album cover for Ridderna kring runda bordet.
Ceil Herman 2018/11/6 - 20:55

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