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Prima del 2010-5-28

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End of War

End of War

The idea for this song came about after reading Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax to my son and wishing the story offered a more hopeful lesson than the “if only” written on the rock at the end. Around the same time, I was watching Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s seven-part PBS documentary, “The War.” The film’s personal narratives moved me deeply and left me astonished at the senseless destruction of so many lives. I imagined how wonderful it would be if I could respond to my son’s questions about war by explaining that it was a terrible thing of the past rather than something my own country was waging in a growing number of places. With all this fresh in my consciousness, I somehow arrived at three chords that were hopeful and uplifting, and I found myself singing “the end of war” as I played them.

In writing the song, I couldn’t help but be influenced by John Lennon, to whom I pay tribute... (continua)
We used to believe it was all human nature
inviata da alexandra stella d'maris 28/5/2010 - 22:02
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Wavin' Flag

Wavin' Flag

Un bel messaggio per le persone nate in paesi poveri, sottosviluppati, sottomessi che devono affrontare i problemi della guerra, la fame, la disperazione...un bel messaggio di incoraggiamento alla lotta, a non arrendersi, a migliorare sempre e comunque per se stessi ma anche per il proprio paese...
Una canzone che ci invita a credere ma soprattutto a sperare in un futuro migliore nonostante sembri che nulla sia cambiato o che si torni indietro o semplicemente che si rimanga sempre fermi allo stesso punto.

È la lotta o la resistenza l'unica cosa che non fa morire la speranza ed è importante che le nuove generazioni siano fiduciose e pronte a cambiare la realtà e le ingiustizie di un paese e perché no del mondo intero...
Da non tralasciare anche l'aspetto critico di questo testo verso i potenti che manovrano i fili accecati dalla sete di potere e dalla avidità.
When I get older, I will be stronger
inviata da Marcia 28/5/2010 - 19:25

The People's Money - Part 2

Lyrics by Chemical Mike.

"This is part two of "The People's Money". Hope you all like it. I went more a more electronic sound this time, so no guitar in this one. I mixed it all down on a laptop, with some cheap headphones and a very low grade sound card, so the sound levels.
The story is quite simple really. You just gotta watch the news and go online. Besides it's all in good fun anyways, so you right wingers lighten up okay?
(Money… money … money)
inviata da giorgio 28/5/2010 - 13:02
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Singolo poi incluso nell’album “London Calling”

Clampdown, repressione, giro di vite… il sistema capitalistico come il regime nazista, le stesse camicie brune, gli stessi dirigenti malvagi che lavorano per la repressione… riusciremo mai a fargliela pagare?
What are we gonna do now?
inviata da The Lone Ranger 28/5/2010 - 12:52

Ack Ack Ack Ack

Ack Ack Ack Ack
7” EP “Another EP”

The song is a very basic anti-war punk song; the title comes from imitating the sound of a machine gun ("Johnny got his gun, ack ack ack ack...").
Influential American punk/alternative trio Minutemen frequently covered "Ack Ack Ack" in their live shows. Live recordings of different versions of the Minutemen's cover can be heard on the albums The Politics of Time and Ballot Result and the 7" EP Tour-Spiel, and a studio recording appears on the Minutemen's final studio album 3-Way Tie (For Last).
The Urinals' bassist John Talley-Jones directed a Three Stooges-inspired video for the Minutemen's studio version of "Ack Ack Ack" in September 1985; it would be the Minutemen's last video. The video is included as one of the DVD bonus features of We Jam Econo, a full-length Minutemen documentary. (en.wikipedia)
Johnny took his gun and Ack Ack Ack Ack
inviata da The Lone Ranger 28/5/2010 - 11:35
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The Big Stick

The Big Stick
Album “3-Way Tie (For Last)”

Continuing a thread started with “Song For El Salvador” on The Punch Line and continuing with songs like “Corona” and “Untitled Song For Latin America”, this song was inspired by D. Boon’s ongoing empathy with the people of Latin America,
Now over there in Managua Square
inviata da The Lone Ranger 28/5/2010 - 10:47
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Major Tom

Major Tom

Il Maggiore Tom è un persongaggio inventato da David Bowie e protagonista di diverse sue canzoni, come “Space Oddity”, “Ashes to Ashes” ed “Hallo Spaceboy”. Nel 1983 il musicista synthpop tedesco Peter Schilling riprese il personaggio per il suo singolo “Major Tom (Völlig losgelöst)” / “Major Tom (Coming Home)”. Plastic Bertrand, a sua volta, riprese il brano di Schilling riscrivendone il testo e facendone una canzone contro l’escalation nucleare.
Les rétro-fusées sont allumées.
inviata da The Lone Ranger 28/5/2010 - 10:21


Album “Fehler im System” (“Error in the System”, 1983)
Zuckerwatte, Mickey-Mouse, Capitol und Weißes Haus
inviata da The Lone Ranger 28/5/2010 - 09:45

The People's Money

Album: Released As Single

"..My way of peacefully protesting against years of oppression, corruption..., and probably many more to come. :(
(This version is the remix of "Monkey". Saw a webpage that had loads of his speeches. and since they are public domain, I figured, why not?)"
(The-The-The.. The People's money… The-The-The.. The People's money…)
inviata da giorgio 28/5/2010 - 08:40

God Bless BS

Album: Released As Single

"This song isn't about anyone world leader or politician, it's about pretty much all of them. Hope you get a giggle out of it."
Chemical Mike says, hope you all know
inviata da giorgio 28/5/2010 - 08:09

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