Ancora sangue sulla terra del Rwanda
inviata da dq82 4/9/2017 - 10:37
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Petit pays
Parole e musica di Gaël Faye (1982-), rapper franco-ruandese, nato in Burundi, di padre francese e madre rifugiata ruandese, di etnia tutsi. Nel 1993 la famiglia riparò in Francia a seguito dell’acutizzarsi della guerra civile in Burundi, dopo la deposizione e l’assassinio del presidente hutu Melchior Ndadaye da parte di alcuni ufficili di etnia tutsi.
Nell’album intitolato “Pili Pili sur un Croissant au Beurre”
Testo trovato su Genius
Il ritornello - credo sia in kirundi, lingua del Burundi, o in kinyarwanda, molto simile, parlata in Ruanda - significa “Piccolo paese, grande paese, sei stato ferito, hai sofferto ma la sofferenza non ti ha sconfitto, piccolo paese, grande paese.”
“Les hommes sont bêtes, l'Afrique est belle, fais pas l'erreur de la haïr”, così Gaël Faye in un’altra sua canzone, “Président”
La canzone è indirizzata al Burundi, dove Gaël Faye trascorse la sua infanzia,... (continua)
Parole e musica di Gaël Faye (1982-), rapper franco-ruandese, nato in Burundi, di padre francese e madre rifugiata ruandese, di etnia tutsi. Nel 1993 la famiglia riparò in Francia a seguito dell’acutizzarsi della guerra civile in Burundi, dopo la deposizione e l’assassinio del presidente hutu Melchior Ndadaye da parte di alcuni ufficili di etnia tutsi.
Nell’album intitolato “Pili Pili sur un Croissant au Beurre”
Testo trovato su Genius
Il ritornello - credo sia in kirundi, lingua del Burundi, o in kinyarwanda, molto simile, parlata in Ruanda - significa “Piccolo paese, grande paese, sei stato ferito, hai sofferto ma la sofferenza non ti ha sconfitto, piccolo paese, grande paese.”
“Les hommes sont bêtes, l'Afrique est belle, fais pas l'erreur de la haïr”, così Gaël Faye in un’altra sua canzone, “Président”
La canzone è indirizzata al Burundi, dove Gaël Faye trascorse la sua infanzia,... (continua)
Gahugu gatoyi
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 24/3/2016 - 21:56
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Album Racine carrée
Nel video viene mostrato un bambino che cerca di interagire con il padre (interpretato da Stromae) che siede su una poltrona con un'espressione che ricorda quella di un manichino mentre gli altri bambini danzano insieme ai propri padri. Nel finale il bambino si siede a fianco del padre assumendo la stessa rigida posizione. Il video ha ricevuto oltre 300 milioni di visualizzazioni ed è anche il video in lingua francese più visto di sempre su YouTube.
Il controverso significato del video rimase nascosto fino a quando Stromae in un'intervista dichiara che il video è una sorta di interpretazione della sua infanzia vissuta in mancanza del padre ucciso nel genocidio del Ruanda.
Album Racine carrée
Nel video viene mostrato un bambino che cerca di interagire con il padre (interpretato da Stromae) che siede su una poltrona con un'espressione che ricorda quella di un manichino mentre gli altri bambini danzano insieme ai propri padri. Nel finale il bambino si siede a fianco del padre assumendo la stessa rigida posizione. Il video ha ricevuto oltre 300 milioni di visualizzazioni ed è anche il video in lingua francese più visto di sempre su YouTube.
Il controverso significato del video rimase nascosto fino a quando Stromae in un'intervista dichiara che il video è una sorta di interpretazione della sua infanzia vissuta in mancanza del padre ucciso nel genocidio del Ruanda.
Dites-moi d'où il vient
12/2/2016 - 23:52
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Parce qu'on vient de loin
dall'album omonimo
Corneille è un cantante di r'n'b nato in Germania originario del Rwanda. Nel 1994 ha 17 anni. La madre è hutu e il padre tutsi. Un gruppo armato entra nella casa di famiglia e uccide i suoi genitori, i fratelli e le sorelle. Corneille assiste al massacro, sopravvive nascondendosi dietro a un divano. Fugge in Zaire, a due giorni di cammino e trova rifugio presso una coppia tedesca amica dei genitori.
Da questa storia tragica, si può ben capire il perché dell'invito a vivere ogni giorno come se fosse l'ultimo, nella canzone che dà il titolo al suo primo album.
dall'album omonimo
Corneille è un cantante di r'n'b nato in Germania originario del Rwanda. Nel 1994 ha 17 anni. La madre è hutu e il padre tutsi. Un gruppo armato entra nella casa di famiglia e uccide i suoi genitori, i fratelli e le sorelle. Corneille assiste al massacro, sopravvive nascondendosi dietro a un divano. Fugge in Zaire, a due giorni di cammino e trova rifugio presso una coppia tedesca amica dei genitori.
Da questa storia tragica, si può ben capire il perché dell'invito a vivere ogni giorno come se fosse l'ultimo, nella canzone che dà il titolo al suo primo album.
Nous sommes nos propres pères
4/5/2014 - 22:38
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Tutsi Hutu
Parole e musica di Michèle Bernard
Album “Voler…”
Parole e musica di Michèle Bernard
Album “Voler…”
Ils sont quinze gamins qui vivent malgré tout - tsi
inviata da Dead End 27/11/2012 - 17:48
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Album: Signals Screaming
Upcoming single Jan 2007 - video release by Free Zen Design and directed by Shaun Friesen - Song dedicated to survivors of the Rwandan genocide/1994
Album: Signals Screaming
Upcoming single Jan 2007 - video release by Free Zen Design and directed by Shaun Friesen - Song dedicated to survivors of the Rwandan genocide/1994
Machete greetings
inviata da giorgio 18/5/2010 - 12:33
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Apathy at the UN
Lyrics by Bobby Dodd
Music by Jerry & Candace Willard
Song about the U.N. responsibilities on Rwandan genocide
Lyrics by Bobby Dodd
Music by Jerry & Candace Willard
Song about the U.N. responsibilities on Rwandan genocide
He was a lieutenant general,
inviata da gio 17/1/2010 - 12:36
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Chanson nécessaire
Album "Jusqu'à quand?"
Album "Jusqu'à quand?"
Sur les collines vertes
inviata da Alessandro 21/5/2009 - 13:03
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
In All Rwanda's Glory
What do you wanna be?
inviata da Alessandro 31/7/2008 - 15:44
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Lake Victoria
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
I once thought sins were washed away
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 17/9/2007 - 22:59
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Tell Me How
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
You say "we remember"
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:50
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Talkin' First Day Working At The UN Blues
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
Got a job at the UN the pay's pretty good
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:46
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Requiem For Butare
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
First among the tell-tale signs of madness
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:32
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
She was 17 years
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 22:27
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Madame Agathe
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
Hercules is racing for the border
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:59
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
I'm Coming Home
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
It's been 9 long years
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:34
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Romeo Dallaire
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
When I lay down I can hear the guns
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:23
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Paul Kagame Blues
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
They say the love of one's country
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:16
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Rwandan Eyes
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
© 2004 Tom Flannery and Lorne Clarke
a production
Clarke & Flannery love to hear your thoughts on the song cycle. Email them to
This is not a history lesson. We're not historians. We're songwriters. And anyway... how the hell is anybody going to explain the systematic state sponsored slaughter of close to a million people with a handful of songs? We're not.
Truth is, there is no explanation for the Rwandan genocide. What there is in abundance, however, is ignorance. If these songs make just one person dig a little deeper, then we've made our money back, so to speak. We've touched upon specific pieces of the horror, but don't even pretend to be able to understand it from the Rwandan point of view. We're observers from afar. Interested, heartbroken observers....but merely observers nonetheless. Please... (continua)
I'd like to look through his eyes
inviata da CCG/AWS Staff 17/9/2007 - 21:09
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Dall'album "Tra I Fuochi In Mezzo Al Cielo" del 2005.
“Ero ammutolita, non riuscivo a pensare neanche al futuro più immediato. Questo per una serie di ragioni: non solo perché avevo visto scene agghiaccianti, ma per l’indifferenza, denunciata nel film, dell’Occidente e di tutto il mondo rispetto a quel che accadeva”. Paola Turci la spiega così l’ispirazione che l’ha portata “nel giro di mezz’ora” a comporre Rwanda, pezzo di punta dell'album Tra i fuochi in mezzo al cielo (2005).
Con questa canzone, la cantautrice romana ha vinto la 4^ edizione del "Premio Amnesty Italia", il riconoscimento indetto dalla sezione italiana di Amnesty International e da Voci per la Libertà assegnato ogni anno al brano che meglio affronta il tema dei diritti umani.
Un rock istintivo e spigoloso.
Un brano nel quale l’immediatezza della composizione si mostra quasi chiara nell’armonia appuntita e nella voce... (continua)
“Ero ammutolita, non riuscivo a pensare neanche al futuro più immediato. Questo per una serie di ragioni: non solo perché avevo visto scene agghiaccianti, ma per l’indifferenza, denunciata nel film, dell’Occidente e di tutto il mondo rispetto a quel che accadeva”. Paola Turci la spiega così l’ispirazione che l’ha portata “nel giro di mezz’ora” a comporre Rwanda, pezzo di punta dell'album Tra i fuochi in mezzo al cielo (2005).
Con questa canzone, la cantautrice romana ha vinto la 4^ edizione del "Premio Amnesty Italia", il riconoscimento indetto dalla sezione italiana di Amnesty International e da Voci per la Libertà assegnato ogni anno al brano che meglio affronta il tema dei diritti umani.
Un rock istintivo e spigoloso.
Un brano nel quale l’immediatezza della composizione si mostra quasi chiara nell’armonia appuntita e nella voce... (continua)
Volevo vivere la mia esistenza
inviata da Alessandro 26/4/2006 - 22:06
1994: Genocidio in Rwanda
Brano strumentale nell’album intitolato “Sanacore”
In Ruanda, dal 6 aprile alla metà di luglio del 1994, per circa 100 giorni, vennero massacrate sistematicamente - a colpi di armi da fuoco, machete pangas e bastoni chiodati - almeno 500.000 persone (secondo le stime di Human Rights Watch), in stragrande maggioranza appartenenti all’etnia minoritaria dei Tutsi (ma anche Hutu moderati). I carnefici, organizzati in milizie finanziate, armate ed equipaggiate dal Governo, erano di etnia Hutu. La stima delle vittime salì in seguito fino a raggiungere una cifra pari a circa 800.000 o 1.000.000 di persone.
Un’immagine emblema del genocidio ruandese:
Durante un notiziario del 2000 il quotidiano britannico The Guardian rivelò che l’allora Segretario Generale dell'ONU, l’egiziano Boutros Boutros-Ghali [in carica tra il 1992 ed il 1996 e quindi anche durante il genocidio ruandese], giocò... (continua)