Geordie, or My Geordie Will Be Hanged In A Golden Chain
Þýtt hefur / Traduzione islandese / Icelandic translation / Traduction islandaise / Islanninkielinen käännös [Joan Baez]:
Rikarður V. Albert...

Requiem For The Masses
i love this song and i only hope and pray that the radio stations do not bow to the pressures of the censors it is fantastic...

So Long, So Long
Apologies, the chords on capo 1 would be:

זאָג ניט קײנמאָל
Versione italiana da parte della Ararat Ensemble Orchestra
Italian version by Ararat Ensemble Orchestra

Versione ita...

La Manic
Je viens de lire ces commentaires.

El Ghorba
Traduzione finlandese della poesia / Finnish translation of the poem / Traduction finnoise du poème / Finsk översättning...

El Ghorba
Traduzione tedesca della poesia / German translation of the poem / Traduction allemande du poème / Tysk översättning av dikten...

Carica altri...