
6 translations found from Palestinese/Palestinian dialect

Kufia - Canto per la Palestina (Daniele Sepe) Video!

Trascrizione del testo arabo proveniente da Il Decalogo di Assisi per la Pace (link alla conversione html di un documento DOC)

Kufia - Canto per la Palestina (Daniele Sepe) Video!

Versione italiana proveniente da

Kufia - Canto per la Palestina (Daniele Sepe) Video!

ייִדישע יבערזעצונג פֿון ריקאַרדאָ װענטורי

نظر (Doc Jazz) Downloadable!

English version - الترجمة العربية

نظر (Doc Jazz) Downloadable!

Il testo traslitterato

وحدتنا الوطنية (We7detna) (DARG Team) Downloadable! Video!

Traduzione da youtube

Search for songs in Palestinese/Palestinian dialect


Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.

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