
Il testamento del capitano

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Traduzione di Gyps Fulvus

Sor Capitani di Salusse
l’à tanta mal ch’a murirà.
Manda a ciamè sor Capitani,
manda a ciamè li sò soldà.

Quand ch’a l’avran montà la guardia
O ch’a l’andèiso ‘n pò a vedè.
Ii so sòldà j’an fait rispòsta
Ch’à l’an l’arvista da passè.

Ouand ch’a l’avran passa l’arvista,
sor Capitani andrìo vedè.
«Còsa comandlo, Capitani,
còsa comandlo ai sò soldà?»

«V’aricomand la vita mia,
che di quat part na debje fà.
L’è d’una part mandèla ‘n Franza
e d’una part sël Monferà. »

Mandè La testa a la mia mama
ch’a s’aricòrda ‘d so prim fieul.
Mandè ‘l corin a Margarita
ch’a s’aricòrda dël sò amor».

La Margarita in su la pòrta
l’è cascà ‘n tèra di dolor.
La Margarita in su la pòrta
l’è cascà ‘n tèra di dolor.

The captain of the military unit
is wounded and he's about to die
he sends word to his Alpini 1
so that they can come and see him.
He sends word to his Alpini
so that they can come and see him.

His Alpini inform him
that they have no shoes to walk there.
Shoes or no shoes,
I want my Alpini here.
Shoes or no shoes,
I want my Alpini here.

And at the crack of dawn,
his Alpini arrived.
Any orders, captain, sir?
We are here now.
I command that my body
shall be cut into five pieces.

The first piece to her, Italy,
so that she can remember her soldier.
The second piece to the battalion,
so that they can remember their captain.
The third piece to my mother,
so that she can remember her son.

The fourth piece to my sweetheart,
so that she can remember her first love.
The last piece to the mountains,
that will cover it with roses and flowers.
The last piece to the mountains,
that will cover it with roses and flowers.

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