

Lluís Llach
Pagina della canzone con tutte le versioni

OriginaleINGLESE 2 [ Frankie Mary NicAonghais ]

L'avi Siset em parlava
de bon matí al portal
mentre el sol esperàvem
i els carros vèiem passar.

Siset, que no veus l'estaca
on estem tots lligats?
Si no podem desfer-nos-en
mai no podrem caminar!

Si estirem tots, ella caurà
i molt de temps no pot durar,
segur que tomba, tomba, tomba
ben corcada deu ser ja.

Si jo l'estiro fort per aquí
i tu l'estires fort per allà,
segur que tomba, tomba, tomba,
i ens podrem alliberar.

Però, Siset, fa molt temps ja,
les mans se'm van escorxant,
i quan la força se me'n va
ella és més ampla i més gran.

Ben cert sé que està podrida
però és que, Siset, pesa tant,
que a cops la força m'oblida.
Torna'm a dir el teu cant:

Si estirem tots, ella caurà
i molt de temps no pot durar,
segur que tomba, tomba, tomba
ben corcada deu ser ja.

Si jo l'estiro fort per aquí
i tu l'estires fort per allà,
segur que tomba, tomba, tomba,
i ens podrem alliberar.

L'avi Siset ja no diu res,
mal vent que se l'emportà,
ell qui sap cap a quin indret
i jo a sota el portal.

I mentre passen els nous vailets
estiro el coll per cantar
el darrer cant d'en Siset,
el darrer que em va ensenyar.

Si estirem tots, ella caurà
i molt de temps no pot durar,
segur que tomba, tomba, tomba
ben corcada deu ser ja.

Si jo l'estiro fort per aquí
i tu l'estires fort per allà,
segur que tomba, tomba, tomba,
i ens podrem alliberar.

My old friend and I stood talking
Waiting for day to break,
Before the light of morning
I asked him about the stake.

This stake that we are tied to
Tied here tightest can be,
If we cannot escape from it
We can never walk free.

My friend said: "Together, that is how.
Working together we'll succeed.
The stake will fall down, fall down, fall down
That is how we will walk free.

If you will pull the stake like this
And then I'll pull it back like that,
The stake will fall down, fall down, fall down
It's rotten to the very heart."

But we've been trying for so long,
My hands are so very sore,
Sometimes my strength just leaves me,
And I can't try anymore.

I know that the stake is rotten,
It's rotten to the core,
But still it seems so big and strong,
How can I go on anymore?

My friend said: "Together, that is how.
Working together we'll succeed.
The stake will fall down, fall down, fall down
That is how we will walk free.

If you will pull the stake like this,
And then I'll pull it back like that,
The stake will fall down, fall down, fall down
It's rotten to the very heart."

My old friend is gone now,
I've been through some hard times.
But I will always keep going,
His words always in my mind.

And though my friend is gone now,
You, friends, are here instead,
And we're all working together
Remembering all that he said:

“We all pull together, that is how,
Working together we'll succeed.
The stake will fall down, fall down, fall down
That is how we will walk free.

If you will pull the stake like this,
And then I'll pull it back like that,
The stake will fall down, fall down, fall down
It's rotten to the very heart.

The stake will fall down, fall down, fall down
That is how we will walk free.”
[1] Da ricordare che il termine stake in inglese viene correntemente adoperato anche per il "rogo". To be tied to the stake = "Essere messo al rogo".

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