
Jo vinc d'un silenci

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OriginaleVersione inglese da questa pagina
Jo vinc d'un silenciI come from a silence
antic i molt llarg,that's old and very long,
de gent va alçant-seof people who keep standing up
des del fons dels segles,from the bottom of the centuries,
de gent que anomenemof people they call
classes subalternes,the subordinate classes;
jo vinc d'un silenciI come from a silence
antic i molt llarg.that's old and very long.
Jo vinc de les placesI come from the squares
i dels carrers plensand the streets full
de xiquets que juguenof children playing
i de vells que esperen,and old people waiting,
mentre homes i doneswhile men and women
estan treballantare working
als petits tallers,in the little workshops,
a casa o al home or in the fields.
Jo vinc d'un silenciI come from a silence
que no és resignat,that is not resigned,
d'on comença l'hortaof where the garden starts
i acaba el secà,and the dry land ends;
d'esforç i blasfèmiaof effort and blasphemy
perquè tot va mal:because all goes wrong;
qui perd els orígenswho loses his origins
per identitat!loses identity.
Jo vinc d'un silenciI come from a silence
antic i molt llarg,that's old and very long,
de gent sense místicsof people with no mystics
ni grans capitans,or captains,
que viuen i morenwho live and die
en l'anonimat,in anonymity,
que en frases solemneswho have never believed
no han cregut solemn phrases.
Jo vinc d'una lluitaI come from a struggle
que és sorda i constant,that is deaf and constant,
jo vinc d'un silenciI come from a silence
que romprà la gentthat will be broken by people
que ara vol ser lliurewho now want to be free
i estima la vida,and love life,
que exigeix les coseswho demand the things
que li han negat.they have been denied.
Jo vinc d'un silenciI come from a silence
antic i moolt llarg,that's old and very long,
jo vinc d'un silenciI come from a silence
que no és resignat,that is not resigned,
jo vinc d'un silenciI come from a silence
que la gent romprà,that the people will break,
jo vinc d'una lluitaI come from a silence
que és sorda i constant.that is deaf and constant.

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