
Quan jo vaig nàixer

Pagina della canzone con tutte le versioni

OriginaleTraduzione inglese di Angela Buxton da
A l'any 40, quan jo vaig nàixer,In the year 40, when I was born,
encara no havien mort tots.they still weren't all dead.
Molts es varen quedar, havien guanyat, diuen.Many were left; they had won, they say.
Molts es varen quedar, havien perdut, diuen.Many were left; they had lost, they say.
d'altres conegueren l'exili i els seus camins.Others knew exile and its ways.
A l'any 40, quan jo vaig nàixer,In the year 40, when I was born,
jo crec que tots, tots, havíem perdut...I think that all, all of us had lost...
Jo no he vist aquelles morts de ràbia,I haven't seen those deaths from anger,
jo no he vist aquelles morts de fam,I haven't seen those deaths from hunger,
jo no he vist aquelles morts al front,I haven't seen those deaths at the front,
jo no he vist aquelles morts a les presons.I haven't seen those deaths in the prisons.
No, jo no ho he vist i tot m'ho han contat,No, I haven't seen them, and they've told me everything,
i encara avui al meu poble ho conten,and still today in my country they tell of it,
i encara avui la gent que ho ha vist amb por, ho conta.and still today, with fear, those who have seen it tell of it.
No, jo no ho he vist ni vull veure-ho mai,No, I haven't seen it and I never wish to,
ni a l'any 70, ni a l'any 40,neither in the year 40, nor the year 70,
ni a cap any dels anys.nor in any other year.
A l'any 40, quan jo vaig nàixer,In the year 40, when I was born,
jo crec que tots, tots havíem perdut,I think that all, all of us had all lost,
a l'any the year 40.

Pagina della canzone con tutte le versioni

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