
Le métèque

Georges Moustaki
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Traduzione bretone / Breton translation / Traduction bretonne...

You all have seen the vagabond
as he went singing in the dawn
without a worry in the world
I've never seen a gipsy who
Could be a gipsy through and through
and have a worry in the world

All merry men are minstrels then
Who keep their troubles locked inside
And don't inflict them on the world
Isn't there something to be said
For leaving your troubles home in bed
And never taking them to the road

The sailor cruising into town
Is not afraid to be a clown
without a worry in the world
No cowboy with an ounce of pride
Will mount his horse and ride
and have a worry in the world

All merry men are minstrels then
Who keep their troubles locked inside
And don't inflict them on the world
Isn't there something to be said
For leaving your troubles home in bed
And never taking them to the road

If I must love then let me love
As thought I've never loved before
without a worry in the world
If I must go then let me go
And only gently close the door

All merry men are minstrels then
Who keep their troubles locked inside
And don't inflict them on the world
Isn't there something to be said
for having had someone instead
of never have had any at all

Without a worry in the world
without a worry in the world

Yes I've got troubles of my own
I'll try to solve them all alone
I won't inflict them on the world
Al lustrugenn

Gant ma fas a lustrugenn,
a voudedeo, a vesaer gresian,
ha ma blev er pevar avel;
gant ma daoulagad distronk-kaer
a ro din un neuz a huñvreer
daoust din da huñvreal ral-kenañ;
gant ma daouarn a c'hwiber,
a soner hag a c'harzhataer,
o deus preizhet kement a liorzhoù;
gant ma genoù en deus evet,
poket ha dantet
hep terriñ e naon gwech ebet.

Gant ma fas a lustrugenn,
a voudedeo, a vesaer gresian,
a laer hag a valeer-vro;
gant ma c'hroc'hen 'zo bet frotet
ouzh an holl heolioù hañv
hag ouzh kement a oa ul lostenn endro dezho;
gant ma c'halon 'zo bet gouest da lakaat
da c'houzañv kement hag he deus gouzañvet
hep ober ur charre gant-se;
gant ma ene n'en deus ken
an disterañ chañs a silvidigezh
evit en em virout ouzh ar Purgator;

Gant ma fas a lustrugenn,
a voudedeo, a vesaer gresian,
ha ma blev er pevar avel;
dont a rin, ma frizioniadez guñv,
ma ene gevell, ma mammenn a vuhez,
dont a rin da evañ da ugent vloaz;
hag e vin ur priñs a wad-roue,
pe un huñvreer, pe ur c'hrennard,
hervez a blijo dit dibab,
ha diouzh pep deiz e raimp
ur viken-pad a garantez
a vevimp anezhañ ken a varvimp.

Ha diouzh pep deiz e raimp
ur viken-pad a garantez
a vevimp ennañ ken a varvimp.

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