
Fuck War, Make Love

Lingua: Inglese


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Omar – The Man
I don’t want to play by your rules
Nothing to gain nothing to lose
Everybody sees what’s going on
Now they say it’s gone on for far too long

Don’t just sit there and screw your face
Time to rise up, time to take your place
Everybody sees what’s going on
Now they say it’s gone on for too long

Come on lets go
We need some understanding
Believe in me
We must be more demanding
Fuck war make love
Cause love is …

All I wanna do is just to live
I pay my bills take care of wifey and kids
Your making me feel I done so wrong
I got to express myself in my song
How many more people have to die
Brothers killing brothers that ain’t right
Everybody knows what’s going on
Time to say it’s gone on for far to long
Come on lets go
We need some understanding
Believe in me
We must be more demanding
Fuck war make love
Cause love is …

18/4/2021 - 17:17

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