
Malcolm X

Miriam Makeba
Lingua: Inglese

Miriam Makeba

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eseguita dal vivo in Live in Africa (1972)

Malcolm X

Originariamente registrata nel 1965, subito dopo l'assassinio di Malcolm X. La canzone è stata scritta dalla figlia di Miriam Makeba, allora quindicenne, morta di parto a 34 anni.
Everybody seems to be preaching revolution
Though no one ever seems to show appreciation
To that man over there who brought about a new generation
To that man over there who brought about a new black nation

Do you remember Malcolm
Do you remember him, Malcolm
Yeah brother Malcolm
Don’t you know he was a great man

He tried to keep the people away from oppression
From day to day M lived for liberation
Until that man with a gun took away his devotion
He left his wife and kids without protection

Do you remember Malcolm
Do you remember him, Malcolm
Yeah brother Malcolm
Don’t you know he was a great man
Oh yeah

It seems life and death seem to go together
For me in my heart, Malcolm will live forever
Especially when I think about the blackness he reflected
I said especially when I think about the one he represented

Do you remember Malcolm
Do you remember him, Malcolm
Oh yeah brother Malcolm
Don’t you know he was a great man
Oh yeah

23/8/2017 - 22:00

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