
Listen to the Voices

Holly Near
Lingua: Inglese

Holly Near

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Parole e musica di Holly Near
Nell’album “We Came to Sing”, con il duo Emma's Revolution (Pat Humphries e Sandy O)

A big part of singing is listening. Singing in harmony is good training for living in the world. The drone you hear under the voices are actually voices. Sandy and Pat's voices were sampled and "electronically enhanced" to create this low foundation for the song's harmony.
(introduzione al brano dal sito dell’autrice)
Listen to the voices of the old women
Calling out the messages
Of the moon and sea
Telling us what we need to know
In order to be free
Listen to the voices of the old women

Listen to the voices of the Indian Nations
Calling out the messages
Of the earth and sky
Telling us what we need to know
In order to survive
Listen to the voices of the Indian Nations

Listen to the voices of the young children
Calling out the messages
Of the heart and soul
Telling us what we used to know
Before the lies were told
Listen to the voices of the young children

Listen to the voices of the Indian Nations
Listen to the voices of the old women
Listen to the voices of the living

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 19/8/2015 - 11:24

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