
Amnesty Report

The Pop Group
Lingua: Inglese

The Pop Group

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Rob a Bank
(The Pop Group)
(Primal Scream)

Dal secondo album del Pop Group, "We Are Time", del 1980.
I testi li ho trovati qui
Stomach head and genitals
Choked until unconscious
Cold water poured in the ears
Plastic bag held over head
Thrown against the walls
Then they were thrown against the wall
Then they were hit with karate chops

Beaten in the face
Bending of the wrists
Lifted up by the ears
Burnt with cigarettes
And teeth knocked out
Then they were spread-eagled on the floor
Then they were spread-eagled on the floor

And then jumped upon
And then jumped upon
And then jumped upon

inviata da Alessandro - 22/11/2006 - 11:10

Pagina principale CCG

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