

Lingua: Inglese


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Nell’album intitolato “IX”
Anche in “Alive in Poland” (a Katowice nel 1989) pubblicato poco prima dello scioglimento (la band si è poi ricostituita nel 2008).

Alive in Poland

Una canzone assolutamente antimilitarista e antinazionalista dalla storica band black/speed metal milanese fondata nel 1980 da Andy Panigada e Dario Carria (morto suicida poco dopo l’uscita di questo disco), con Alberto Contini alla voce.
The army always pretended to take
the men to subject to their rule
the law and the policy always denied freedom
you've got no choice
you cannot refuse you cannot escape
'cause jail knocks at your door
they won't wait a minute handcuffs are ready
and a cell is waiting for you

Don't serve the army – Bastards!
They'll lose the war - We don't care!
Don't love your country - It kills you!
Try to survive - Desert!

The national hymn has been badly composed
for the crowd of the idiots and turds
it sounds disgusting it makes me feel
ashamed to be born in this land
but if i think outside it's the same
i'm also ashamed to be a man
slave of my country slave of the world
i'd better cut off my balls

Don't serve the army – Bastards!
They'll lose the war - We don't care!
Don't love your country - It kills you!
Try to survive - Desert!

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 13/5/2014 - 15:26

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