
New Year's Day

Lingua: Inglese


Lista delle versioni e commenti

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The Ground Beneath Her Feet
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From / Da "War"

Un testo ispirato dalla rivolta popolare in Polonia dei primi anni 80, quella capitanata dal sindacato indipendente Solidarność. In dicembre del 1981 lo stato polacco applicò la legge marziale (chiaro che a capodanno fosse tutto tranquillo...)


The lyrics refer to the movement for solidarity lead by Lech Wałęsa in Poland. After this was recorded, Poland announced they would abolish martial law, coincidentally, on New Year's Day, 1983.
This was U2's first UK Top 10 and their first single to chart in America.
This almost didn't make the album because Bono was having fits writing the lyrics.
The Edge played piano on this as well as guitar.
This was the first U2 video to get heavy airplay on MTV.
The themes of understanding in a time of global unrest were a focal point for the album War, whose title was inspired by the various worldwide conflicts of 1982.
The line "Under a blood red sky" was used as the title for a video and live album they released in 1983. The video was recorded at Red Rocks, Colorado, June 5, 1982. The album contains performances from that show as well as 2 others.
Bono considers this a love song. While it is about war, it deals with "The struggle for love."
Bono wrote this shortly after he married his childhood sweetheart, Ali.
The video shows the band riding horses in the snow. The Edge used a stunt-double because he was having trouble with his horse.
This is commonly played at bars every New Years Day for lack of something more appropriate.
In concert, The Edge played this on the piano with his guitar in his lap. For his guitar solo, he would get up and go to the front of the stage as the crowd cheered wildly.
This is a popular song for other artists to sample or cover. With It Guys used the piano line as a sample in the song "Let The Music Take Control," Manchester rappers Kiss AMC sampled the intro for their song "A Bit Of U2," the group Dynamic Base used the sample on their "Africa" single and Bacon Popper did the same on "Free." Hyper Logic also used a sample in "Only Me." (thanks, bertrand - Paris, France)


These days, Edge STANDS at the electric piano on stage, with his guitar hanging on his shoulder ready to break into the solo when his piano part's finished. He does not sit down, which would look a bit naff.
- Richard, Newport, Isle of Wight, England

(From "Songfacts")
All is quiet on New Year's Day.
A world in white gets underway.
I want to be with you
Be with you night and day.
Nothing changes on New Year's Day.
On New Year's Day.

I... will be with you again.
I... will be with you again.

Under a blood-red sky
A crowd has gathered in black and white
Arms entwined, the chosen few
The newspaper says, says
Say it's true, it's true...
And we can break through
Though torn in two
We can be one.

I... I will begin again
I... I will begin again.

Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Oh, maybe the time is right.
Oh, maybe tonight.
I will be with you again.
I will be with you again.

And so we are told this is the golden age
And gold is the reason for the wars we wage
Though I want to be with you
Be with you night and day
Nothing changes
On New Year's Day
On New Year's Day
On New Year's Day

Lingua: Italiano

Traduzione italiana

Tutto è tranquillo a Capodanno.
Un mondo in bianco si mette in moto.
Io voglio essere con te
Essere con te giorno e notte.
Nulla cambia a Capodanno.
A Capodanno.

Io... sarò di nuovo con te.
Io... sarò di nuovo con te.

Sotto un cielo rosso sangue
Una folla si è radunata in bianco e nero
A braccia conserte, i pochi eletti
Il giornale dice, dice
Dice che è vero, è vero ...
E noi possiamo fare breccia
Anche se rotti in due
Noi possiamo essere tutt'uno.

Io... io ricomincerò
Io... io ricomincerò.

Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Oh, forse è il momento giusto.
Oh, forse questa notte.
Io sarò di nuovo con te.
Io sarò di nuovo con te.

E così ci hanno detto che questa è l'età dell'oro
E l'oro è la ragione delle guerre che facciamo
Comunque io voglio stare con te
Stare con te notte e giorno
Nulla cambia
A Capodanno
A Capodanno
A Capodanno

Lingua: Spagnolo

Versione spagnola da
Dia de Año Nuevo

Todo está tranquilo el Día de Año Nuevo
Un mundo blanco comienza a marchar
Y yo quiero estar con vos
Estar con vos noche y día
Nada cambia el Día de Año Nuevo

Yo, estaré de nuevo con vos
Yo, estaré de nuevo con vos

Bajo un cielo rojo sangre
Una multitud se ha reunido en blanco y negro
Brazos entrelazados, los pocos elegidos
Los diarios lo dicen, dicen que es verdad,
Y podemos abrirnos paso
Aunque partidos en dos
podemos ser uno

Empezaré de nuevo,
empezaré de nuevo

Quizás es el momento justo
oh... quizás esta noche

Yo, estaré de nuevo con vos
Yo, estaré de nuevo con vos

Y nos dicen que ésta es la edad de oro
Y el oro es la razón de las guerras que emprendemos
Aunque quiero estar con vos
Estar con vos noche y día
Nada cambia en el
Día de Año Nuevo

26/3/2005 - 16:05

Lingua: Portoghese

versione portoghese da

Tudo está quieto no Dia de Ano Novo,
um mundo em branco está em andamento,
e eu quero estar com você,
estar com você noite e dia,
nada muda no Dia de Ano Novo,
no Dia de Ano Novo.

Eu estarei com você de novo,
Eu estarei com você de novo.

Sob um céu vermelho-sangue,
uma multidão se agrupou em preto e branco,
braços entrelaçados entre os poucos escolhidos,
os jornais dizem, ele diz,
diz que é verdade, diz que é verdade
e nós podemos romper,
partido em dois podemos ser um só.

Eu começarei de novo,
Eu começarei de novo.

Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Oh! e talvez a hora está certa,
Oh! talvez essa noite,
Eu estarei com você de novo,
Eu estarei com você de novo.

E então nós fomos mencionados nessa era dourada,
e ouro é a razão para as guerras que nós combatemos,
ainda que eu queira estar com você,
estar com você noite e dia,
nada muda
no Dia de Ano Novo
no Dia de Ano Novo
no Dia de Ano Novo

inviata da Marcia Rosati - 30/10/2007 - 11:16

Lingua: Francese

Versione francese dal sito: u2achtung
Jour de l’an"
Tout est calme en ce jour de l’an
Un monde en blanc se met en route
Et je veux être avec toi
Etre avec toi nuit et jour
Rien ne change en ce jour de l’an
Je serai à nouveau avec toi
Je serai à nouveau avec toi

Sous un ciel rouge sang
Une foule noire et blanche est amassée
Les bras des élus entrelacés
Les journaux disent, disent que c’est vrai
Et nous pouvons nous frayer un passage
Bien que nous soyons déchirés, nous pouvons ne former qu’un
Je recommencerai, je recommencerai
Oh et peut-être que c’est le bon moment
Oh peut-être ce soir
Je serai à nouveau avec toi
Je serai à nouveau avec toi

Et donc on nous dit que c’est l’âge d’or
Et l’or est la raison pour laquelle nous faisons la guerre
Pourtant je veux être avec toi
Etre avec toi nuit et jour
Rien ne change en ce jour de l’an

inviata da DonQuijote82 - 15/4/2011 - 13:06

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