
Die Maske des Bösen

Bertolt Brecht
Language: German

Bertolt Brecht

List of versions

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A link to the song composed by Hanns Eisler and performed by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau:

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Related Songs

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Parole di Bertolt Brecht, da“Flüchtlingsgespräche”, in Italia “Dialoghi di Profughi”, Einaudi 1977.‎
Musica di Hanns Eisler dall’ “Hollywooder Liederbuch / Hollywood Songbook” ‎‎(1942/43)‎

An meiner Wand hängt ein japanisches Holzwerk,‎
Maske eines bösen Dämons, bemalt mit Goldlack.‎
Mitfühlend sehe ich
Die geschwollenen Stirnadern, andeutend
Wie anstrengend es ist, böse zu sein.‎

Contributed by Dead End - 2013/2/7 - 13:44

Language: French

Traduzione francese da Médiathèque – Cité de la Musique

Au mur de mon bureau, un masque japonais
Sculpté sur bois et laqué d’or: effigie d’un méchant démon.‎
Je regarde plein de pitié
Les veines gonflées de son front: elles révèlent‎
Combien c’est dur d’être méchant.‎

Contributed by Dead End - 2013/2/7 - 13:44

Language: Italian

Traduzione italiana dallo spettacolo “Il dialogo dei profughi” per la regia di Vito Osvaldo Angelillo.


Sulla mia parete è appesa una xilografia giapponese‎
La maschera di un demone cattivo ma con lacca d’oro
Pieno di compassione io vedo
Le gonfiate vene frontali
E sento quanto è faticoso, faticoso, faticoso
Essere cattivi.‎

Contributed by Dead End - 2013/2/7 - 13:45

Language: Finnish

Versione finlandese di Juha Rämö
Finnish translation by Juha Rämö
Finnisched Übersetzung von Juha Rämö
Suomennos Juha Rämö

Seinälläni riippuu japanilainen puusta veistetty
paholaisen naamio, kullalla silattu.
Myötätunto valtaa mieleni, kun katson
sen pullistuneita otsasuonia ja mietin,
kuinka työlästä onkaan olla paha.

Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2015/3/18 - 10:40

As this website is about songs, here's link to the song composed by Hanns Eisler and performed by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau:

Juha Rämö - 2015/3/18 - 11:40

Language: Finnish

Versione finlandese di Brita Polttila
Finnish translation by Brita Polttila
Finnische Übersetzung von Brita Polttila
Suomennos Brita Polttila

Seinällä riippuu japanilainen veistos
kullalla silattu pahan hengen naamio.
Myötätuntoisesti katson
otsan pullistuvia suonia, joista näkyy
miten rasittavaa on olla paha.

Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2015/3/19 - 12:53

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Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.

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