
Johnny Appleseed

Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
Langue: anglais

Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros

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(Turnpike Troubadours)
Shed A Little Light
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Album: "Global a Go-Go" (2001)


Sono dieci anni Joe Strummer che ci ha lasciato. Lo vogliamo ricordare oggi con questa bella canzone dall'album che lo riportò, con il suo nuovo gruppo - i Mescaleros - a calcare i palchi di tutto il mondo con nuove canzoni degne dei migliori Clash.

È una canzone sulla libertà, un tributo alla gente comune, alla classe operaia. Johnny Appleseed (Giovanni Semedimela) fu un pionere e religioso protoambientalista statunitense, famoso per aver piantato migliaia di meli, visto come simbolo dell'altruismo.

"Se hai bisogno del miele, ehi, allora non ammazzi tutte le api". Le api sono il simbolo della classe operaia, quella che produce la ricchezza e che troppo spesso non solo non ne può godere i frutti, ma viene sistematicamente repressa e ammazzata.

Una grande canzone. Ciao Joe.
Lord, there goes Johnny Appleseed
He might pass by in the hour of need
There's a lot of souls
Ain't drinking from no well locked in a factory

Hey, look there goes
Hey, look there goes
If you're after getting the honey, hey
Then you don't go killing all the bees

Lord, there goes Martin Luther King
Notice how the door closes when the chimes of freedom ring
I hear what you're saying, I hear what he's saying
Is what was true now no longer so

Hey, I hear what you're saying
Hey, I hear what he's saying
If you're after getting the honey, hey
Then you don't go killing all the bees

What the people are saying
And we know every road, go, go
What the people are saying
There ain't no berries on the trees

Let the summertime sun
Fall on the apple, fall on the apple

Lord, there goes a Buick forty-nine
Black sheep of the angels riding, riding down the line
We think there is a soul, we don't know
That soul is hard to find

Hey, down along the road
Hey, down along the road
If you're after getting the honey
Then you don't go killing all the bees

Hey, it's what the people are saying
It's what the people are saying
Hey, there ain't no berries on the trees
Hey, that's what the people are saying, no berries on the trees
You're checking out the honey, baby
You had to go killin' all the bees

22/12/2012 - 22:10

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