
An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King

Vic Sadot
Lingua: Inglese

Vic Sadot

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An Act of State The Execution of Martin Luther King "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death. . . .
We can no longer afford to worship the god of hate or bow before the altar of retaliation. The oceans of history are made turbulent by the ever-rising tides of hate. History is cluttered with the wreckage of nations and individuals that pursued this self-defeating path of hate".
-Martin Luther King, "Beyond Vietnam", Address delivered to the Clergy and
Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, at Riverside Church, NYC, 4/4/67
The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Was An Act of State

William F. Pepper was the King Family's lawyer-investigator in the 1999 Circuit Court trial in Memphis, Tennessee, King Family versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators. The Honorable James E. Swearengen (Division 4, judge presiding) stated to the jury after reaching its verdict.
He practices international human rights law from London, convenes a seminar on international human rights at Oxford University, has represented governments and heads of state, and appeared as an expert on international law issues. William F. Pepper - An Act of State The Execution of Martin Luther King
William Pepper was a young man when he first met Dr. King
Who read his war reporting on Viet children suffering (1)
Martin asked young William Pepper – to speak about the war
To come to his congregation, and they were friends forevermore

Then William went to law school – to put his talents to the task
To fight for social justice! To answer questions we must ask!
It was April 4, 1968 when Martin Luther King
Was murdered in the broad day light… It was a devastating thing!

There was a mighty "Rush to Judgment"(2)…to blame it on James Earl Ray
There was agreement in the government to tell the media what to say
The media called it "a crime of hate"… A "lone-nut" simple thing…
Now we know it was "An Act of State" (3), the execution of Dr. King

James Earl Ray was just a patsy, an escaped prisoner for sure…
With a top security identity for the whole 9 months before…
Some rogues within the government shielded James as "Eric Galt"
Gave him a car and a driver's license to secure him til the assault

To protect this petty criminal… To put this patsy into place…
His handler sent him to Memphis… where like a pawn he showed his face
Well, Martin marched for Civil Rights! And he stood against all war!
He spoke for truth and justice, and non-violence. That's for sure!

When Martin stood with the workers… In solidarity with the poor…
That high class oligarchy hated Martin. That's for sure!
Earl Clark was one of the Memphis cops meeting at Loyd Jowers Grill
Just across from the Lorraine Motel where Dr. King was killed

Two military snipers teams would have also fired.
If the police team from Memphis failed to do what was required
Next day cops cleaned the crime scene… Hauled the brush and the proof away
They avoided all the witnesses that might have some truth to say

Too many unanswered questions still blowin' in the wind
In a murder investigation so deliberately ruined
Too many disturbing answers still came out in the trial
Enough to prove conspiracy to a nation in denial

Six white and six black jurors unanimously agreed
The facts presented at the trial proved who really did the deed
Yes, it all came out in the trial that in '99 they won!
When the government was convicted of the conspiracy they'd done

William Pepper was the lawyer who won the case in court
But when he went to the press conference there were no reporters to report
So here's to William Pepper! The King Family, brave and wise!
For standing for the truth for us! For overcoming all the lies!

William Pepper, keep on struggling! You know you're following…
The teachings and the vision, and the dream of Dr. King!
William Pepper wrote a book about the trial and everything…
An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (3)

{Repeat the last line slowly to end}.

(1) Ramparts magazine 1967;
(2) Rush To Judgment, a book by Mark Lane;
(3) An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther, the book by William Pepper, 2003, Verso Press.

inviata da giorgio - 18/1/2012 - 09:06

Lingua: Inglese

Thanks for publishing my song! The newer video of song with the newer 2013 studio sound track will be featured at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, CA on 9/11/17 when King family lawyer, William Pepper, will be the keynote speaker at the annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival.

The song bears the same title as Pepper's second of threee books on MLK. "An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King" was recorded better in a professional studio in Berkeley, California in 2013, and a new video was made from that sound track, which features the amazing Eric Golub on viola.

An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (2013) (5:31) Truth Troubadour YouTube Channel [[|]]

The titles of William Pepper's 3 three books about the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. are: (1) Orders To Kill; (2) An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King”; and (3) “The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.”

Dr. William F. Pepper will be the keynote speaker at the 13th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival on Monday, September 11, 2017 at the Grand Lake Theatre, 3200 Grand Avenue and Lake Park Avenue, Oakland, California. William Pepper was the lawyer for the King family in their 1999 Memphis trial victory. He is also the author of three books about the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1) Orders To Kill; (2) An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King”; and (3) “The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.” Tickets are $15 at the door, no one turned away. Note: New start time – Doors open at 2 pm, program runs from 3 pm to 10 pm. Films, Speakers, and Informational Tabling in the Lobby. [[|]]

Note from William Pepper to Vic Sadot for writing this song about his second of three books about the murder of Dr Rev Martin Luther King, Jr.

The master-mix of the song was finally released on Dec 19, 2017 on the “Truth Troubadour” CD at CD Baby: “Thanks so much for the effort you and others are making in the common struggle to air the truth about how this Republic, and each one of us, lost Martin. Thank you for taking the time to put some important history into a ballad. This, of course, is the role of the Balladeer without whom much of history would be lost, especially in our time with the consolidation of control of the mainstream media. I am grateful. Bill Pepper”

Truth Troubadour (2017) – 18 songs sung by Vic Sadot. Featuring Eric Golub, Rob Sadot, Dean A Banks and Rbeast Hunter. [[|]]

4 Vic Sadot CD's at CD Baby:

Truth Troubadour (2017) 18 songs sung by Vic Sadot. Featuring Eric Golub, Rob Sadot, Dean A Banks and Rbeast Hunter.

9/11 Truth & Justice Songs (9/11/11) 16 songs by Vic Sadot

Broadsides & Retrospectives CD (2005) by Vic Sadot at CD Baby

Comin’ Home CD (1997) by Vic Sadot & Planète Folle at CD Baby
The only change in the lyrics is here in verse 6. Lately, I have been singing as "all the more":

When Martin stood with the workers… In solidarity with the poor… That high class oligarchy hated Martin all the more!

inviata da Vic Sadot - 5/9/2017 - 10:08

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