
Beating Me Blues

Jewell Nelson
Lingua: Inglese

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Testo trovato sul bel blog di Mike Rugel dedicato alla ‎‎Storia senza censure del Blues.‎

Blues molto “blue”, perché intonato da una donna (Jewell Nelson, che come Gene ‎Campbell è stata cantante blues oggi pressochè sconosciuta) che racconta senza perifrasi della ‎terribile, continua violenza subita dal suo uomo (“that man of mine”) che nelle strofe si confonde ‎col padre (“my daddy’s killing me”) a rivelare una sottocultura maschilista dove la donna era ‎sempre trattata come e peggio di una bestia, dalla culla alla bara…‎
I wish someone could tell me where that man of mine ‎
that has been mistreating me all the time
My daddy’s beating me almost every day
I’m getting sick and tired of the way my daddy’s killing me

He used to be sweet, everybody know
But here on lately, he beats me everywhere we go
He’s just killing me, yes just killing me
I’m getting sick and tired of the way my daddy’s treating me

I went on the mountaintop, he found me there
I believe he’ll find me anywhere
He’s just killing, yes, just killing me
I’m getting sick and tired of the way my daddy’s killing me

I’m going to find the policeman
Tell him how my daddy is beating me
You know he’s killing me, just killing me
I’m getting sick and tired of the way my daddy’s beating me

inviata da Bartleby - 13/9/2011 - 15:19

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