

Sara Marlowe
Lingua: Inglese

Sara Marlowe

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Altri interpreti: Dave Olsen, Steve Sherman
da New Songs For Peace

Una canzone sui "bambini-soldati" strappati a forza dalle loro famiglie e costretti a trasformarsi in macchine di morte al servizio dei vari "signori della guerra", in Africa e altrove.
How long must children die in battle
For only being born in the wrong place, the wrong time
They're born in the wrong skin, born a crime

How long will their innocence be taken
Those eyes are pried open to wide
In the witness of death before beauty
In the eyes of a warchild

Here we go again
It's the same old story with the same old ending
One more lesson learned
Only to be forgotten
Lost in the eyes of a warchild

How long will they be born with a gun in their hand
Such a precious price they're made to pay
For somebody else's money
Somebody else's choice

Here we go again
It's the same old story with the same old ending
One more lesson learned
Only to be forgotten
Lost in the eyes of a warchild

How long will they remain a statistic
Collateral damage
Invisible bloodstain
On the conscience
Of those who put them there in the first place

Here we go again
It's the same old story with the same old ending
One more lesson learned
Only to be forgotten
Lost in the eyes of a warchild.

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 25/5/2005 - 01:50

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