
Lullabye For A Child In War

Mike Nobel
Lingua: Inglese

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Close your eyes
A kiss goodnight
Don't think about the
Fire in the sky

Just squeeze my hand
Tight as you can
We'll be ready when the
Thunder roars again

Now hold me while we sing a lullabye
And imagine all the stars in the sky
And an angel in the moon, watching over you,
Promising that in the morning light,
You're gonna be allright

Dream your dreams
A child's dreams
Of a world where people
Live in harmony

My precious child
You are my life
And I promise I will
Never leave your side

So hold me while I sing a lullabye
And imagine all the stars in the sky
And the angel in the moon, watching over you,
Promises that in the morning light ....
You're gonna be allright

You're gonna be allright ....

inviata da Alessandro - 24/12/2008 - 13:40

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