
No Apologies

Joni Mitchell
Langue: anglais

Joni Mitchell

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Non so se sia pertinente, tuttavia mi piace pensare che visto che nessuna "apology" e' stata presentata dal "general" neppure quando la "little girl" era una funivia italiana o un DC9 nei pressi di ustica...
La canzone e' della ultima Joni Mitchell, ormai in piena fase calante, purtroppo non tutti hanno la durata qualitativa di un De Andre'. [Marco Sopegno dal ng]
The general offered
No apologies
He said "The soldiers erred in judgement
They should have hired a hooker"
No apologies
to the outraged Japanese
No "Sorry little girl"
The pigs just took her
Tireskids and teethmarks
What happened to this place?
Lawyers and loan sharks
Are laying America to waste

Freddie said that "Juan thinks, I think
He's the devil"
What a lofty title
For such a petty little tyrant
Bigger beasts abound
And they kick this world around
At this crazy speed
With violence and greed
Tireskids and teethmarks
What happened to this place?
Lawyers and loan sharks
Are laying America to waste

So what makes a man a man
In these tough times
As druglords buy up the banks
And warlords radiate the oceans
Ecosystems fail
Snakes and snails and puppy tails
Are wagging in the womb
Beneath the trampled moon
Tireskids and teethmarks
What happened to this place?
Lawyers and loan sharks
Are laying America to waste
The general offered
No apologies

envoyé par Marco "Slowdog" Sopegno

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