
100% Antifascist Oi!

Oi Polloi
Lingua: Inglese

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Split Oi Polloi / Fatal Blow ‎– Oi Polloi / Fatal Blow
100% Antifascist Oi!
It's the soundtrack to the downfall
of the system we must destroy
We are on the streets
We are down the pub
Having a wee dram
And munching vegan grub
Though decades of anarchist struggle
May have left us battle-scarred
Vegan food gives us the power to rock you fucking hard

Antifascist Oi!
Antifa! Antifa! Antifa!
Antifascist Oi!
Antifa! Antifa! Antifa Oi!

Our antifascist message
Is shouted in your lug
Oi you greyzone tosser
Wise up you fucking mug!
Fuckin' nazi bonehead
Nothing but a puppet
Rich men pull your strings
Fuck off you fucking muppet!

Antifascist Oi!
Antifa! Antifa! Antifa!
Antifascist Oi!
Antifa! Antifa! Antifa Oi!

inviata da Dq82 - 7/12/2020 - 20:07

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