
In Quarantine

Nicolette Aubourg
Langue: anglais

Nicolette Aubourg

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addressing the global apathy to the 2014 Ebola epidemic
In places of such poverty, lives are claimed by this disease –
a thousand faces zipped away while other nations work and play.
The world stands by as we watch them die in quarantine.
A mother brings her dying son to the make-shift hospital
and she gives her child away; she’ll never touch his face again.
She falls crying to her knees as he’s quarantined.

No one should have to choose between saving their own life and holding their child.
No one should have to suffer this much without even the comfort of a loved one’s touch.

A young man holds his bleeding friend on a scooter as he drives
To try to find someone to help, but it will cost him his own life.
The world stands by as we watch them die in quarantine.
And a hymn is sung to start each day before the doctors put on layers
that might protect their bodies, but cannot shield their memories
from the tragedy as the people grieve in quarantine.

The drug companies in the rest of the world
have no incentive to find a cure –
they won’t invest if no profit’s to be made.
Where is compassion when nothing’s to gain?

Wealthy nations turn their backs and leave the work to volunteers and charities.
No one should have to choose between saving their own life and holding their child.
No one should have to suffer this much without even the comfort of a loved one’s touch.
Ebola, Ebola, Ebola, Ebola…

envoyé par Dq82 - 25/3/2020 - 17:17

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