
All You Do Is Deny

Tony Smith
Lingua: Inglese

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David Attenborough recently told a British parliamentary inquiry that we need to do more to address climate change. He singled Australia out for particular criticism.
The weather is melting the polar ice
The seas around us do rise
Birds to cooler climes fly
Fish swim to where they won’t fry

But still you say you are doing enough
That life sometimes can be tough
And though the children for action cry
All you do is deny
Deny, deny, deny
All you do is deny

There is science and the gobbledegook
You spout as though it were truth
But your ideas to ruin will lead
And the poor will be first to concede
Deny, deny, deny
All you do is deny

What will you do when Macron’s proved right
And there’s no Planet B in sight?
I hope that you will swelter alone
For the way you killed children’s hopes
Deny, deny, deny

All you do is deny

May where you’re going be stoked with coal
As you ponder what you have sold
Though it was not yours to sell
You sent us all down to hell
Deny, deny, deny
All you do is deny
Deny, deny, deny
All you do is deny

inviata da Tony Smith - 18/7/2019 - 01:18

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