
Lingua: Armeno

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Հայ քաջեր
(Harout Pamboukjian / Հարութ Փամբուկչյան)
Ապրելու Ապրիլ
(Inga e Anush / Ինգա և Անուշ)
Մարտիկի Երգը
(Ashot Satyan / աշոտ սաթյան)

Andouni (Homeless)
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Armenian priest and folksong collector, Komitas Vardapet (1869-1935), wrote down the words and tunes of Armenian folksongs and those of a few other ethnic groups as well. He wrote new choral arrangements for some of them for more formal singing. He also wrote original compositions based on the traditional music that he studied. He was imprisoned during WWI and, although he was released, he never fully recovered from what he had suffered. Some of the songs he wrote or arranged have become symbolically tied to that period. “Andouni,” a song of longing for the homeland that predates WWI, is a folksong that Komitas arranged for voice. This version, sung by Ruben J. Baboyan, may be Komitas’s arrangement of the original tune. Today the song is sung to a different tune, usually in an operatic style, as it has become emblematic of the Armenian diaspora and loss of life during WWI.
Սիրտս նըման է էն փլած տըներ, [1]
Կոտրեր գերաններ, խախտեր է սըներ,
Բուն պիտի դընեն մէջ վայրի հաւքեր,
Երթամ ձիկ թալեմ էն ելման գետեր,
Ըլնիմ ձըկներու ձագերաց ընկեր:
Ա՜յ, տօ լա՜ճ տընաւեր:
Սեւ ծով մ՛եմ տետե, սպիտակն էր բոլոր,
Ալին կը զարկէր, չէր խառնի յիրոր,
Էն ո՞րն է տեսե մէկ ծովն երկթաւոր,
Անտունի սիրտն է պղտոր ու մոլոր,
Ա՜խ, իսկի մի՛ լնիք սըրտիկ սեւաւոր:
Ա՜յ, տօ լա՜ճ տընաւեր:
[1] Sirts k’ananman e en p’lats tyner,
Kotrer charper, khakhter e sery,
Bun piti dyne mej vayri hawk’yer,
Yert’am dzik t’alem en yelman geter,
Yelnim dzykneru dzagerats’ ynker:
A՜y, to la¯ch tynawyer:
Sev tsov mem tete, spitakn er bolory,
Ally zarker, ch’er kharrni yiror,
En inch’ tese mik tsovn yerkt’vogh,
Antuni sirtn e pghtor yev molor,
Ah, isk mi lnik syrtik sevawor:
A՜y, to la¯ch tynawyer:

inviata da Dq82 - 7/9/2017 - 17:07

Lingua: Inglese

Lyrics translated by Armen Babamian

My heart is like shattered homes
and broken pillars thrown asunder
Wild birds will nest in our ruins
Let me throw myself into the water
and be food for the fish's babies
White waves lap upon the black sea
about us and do not mix
In this melancholic, bewildered state,
what can my darkened heart do?

inviata da Dq82 - 7/9/2017 - 17:19

It wasn’t just WWI during which he was imprisoned. He was imprisoned during the Armenian Genocide and after witnessing all the horrors of the Genocide he went mad. Please, call things what they are.

Mariam - 16/11/2023 - 00:17

Dear Mariam, we think you should address your remark to, i.e. the website we have taken this song (and the relevant introduction) from. Anyway, we accept your remark. As you can see, this song is part of a large "song itinerary" specially focused on the Armenian genocide. Thank you.

CCG//AWS Staff - 16/11/2023 - 08:10

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