
Continuing War on Stupidity

Napalm Death
Lingua: Inglese

Napalm Death

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Order of the Leech
There's only one war to end all war
It's the loathing behind the eyes
And when the eyes stay out of focus
Fizxed on a point that spurns compassion
And goads for challenge
Thatcher, Reagan, Bush - that's one three-headed beast
It's the loathing behind the eyes
And when those eyes conceal the zealot
Winter than white, but the robots buy it
They clap and cheer
Kudos to bask in the belly of the beast
Procreation of the wicked
Gifted remits to exceed
Initation of the witless
Serve indignant dignitaries
Trample, smoke out, pull all foreign weeds
Don't cap oil stacks, guard the globe for keeps
Only one war!
Cosy with the clan, treat withdrawal as attack
Old boy network, new world prison camp
Only one war!
Not my president
Nor his fellow sham - the charlatan
Media mouthpiece screams "dignity"
Glaring irony - this is news to me

inviata da Dq82 - 14/8/2017 - 22:42

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