

Fermin Muguruza
Languages: Basque, Spanish

Fermin Muguruza

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Fermin Muguruza - Brigadistak Montreal 2001

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Album: Brigadistak Sound System
Parole e musica (hitzak eta musika): Fermin Muguruza


Brigadistak Sound System is a studio album from Basque artist Fermin Muguruza. It was released in 1999 and produced by Esan Ozenki Records. The title track refers to the International Brigades. Some themes featured in the other songs include globalisation, American imperialism and Basque nationalism. Most of the lyrics are sung in euskera. Almost every track is a collaboration with another artist or band. Tracks 3,5 and 13 were recorded in Los Angeles (Cherokee Studios), tracks 6 and 12 in Azkarate, track 1 in Rome, track 2 in Caracas, track 4 in Biarritz, track 7 in Paris, track 8 in Barcelona, track 9 in Montreuil, track 10 in Havana, track 11 in Buenos Aires and track 15 in London.

"Compañeros del mundo,
Por favor
Sigan viniendo
a las comunidades
Indigenas en resistencia
Les pedimos que no cejen
En sus esfuerzos
y solidaridad
Su presencia
es imprescindible
Para evitar la barbarie"

"Llamamos a todos
y todas a no soñar
Sino a algo mas simple
y definitivo
Los llamamos a despertar"

"Elkartasuna da
Herrien arteko xamurtasuna"
Ixiltasunaren memoria
Ohi garen begi zaindaria

Hauxe da jarrera
Taldea gauzatu egin dena
Piztu egiten duena sarea
Eramaten gure izarran

Aparato herdoilduak
Engrasatu beharra
Memoria historikoa
Ez galtzeko nahia

Lortzeko lotura
Xamurtasuna eta
Zerrepel gunea

Ya están aquí las compas
Ya llegan los muchachos
Arriba los que luchan
Brigadistak badatoz

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2007/1/23 - 15:51

Language: Spanish

traduzione spagnola dei versi in lingua basca
La solidaridad es
la ternura entre pueblos
la memoria del silencio
nuestro ojo protector

Esta es la actitud
en la que se ha creado el grupo
la red que enciende
a la estrella que nos lleva

Aparatos oxidados
con necesidad de engrasar
las ganas de no perder
la memoria histórica

Para conseguir
lo imprescindible
ternura y
un ambiente tibio

Contributed by Marcia - 2008/2/11 - 18:09

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Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.

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